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Oh, God. No.

He pulled his foot off the desk and started to face her, so she hurried past the door. It was hard to draw an even breath. She braced her hands on the desk and shook her head. But the possibility that had just scared the hell out of her wouldn’t go away.

No. She did not have feelings for him. It wasn’t possible.

Distantly, she heard his conversation continue, his deep voice rumbling over her as effectively as a bulldozer.

She’d only met him two weeks ago—twelve days to be exact. And he’d lied to her! With good reason. No, that didn’t make it right. But just as quickly, she realized after the past week of working with him at the office, she didn’t resent his deception at the beginning. She even understood.

Still, twelve days was not enough time to develop deep, heart-pounding feelings for someone. Sure, he was the first man to kiss her, really kiss her, the first to touch her intimately, and the first she’d ever thought about sleeping with—

Ah, ha. That was it. Her inexperience was confusing physical attraction with something else. Finally, she took a breath of air that actually sent oxygen to her lungs. She was in lust, nothing more.

The tightness in her chest eased somewhat. She could handle lust. Especially since any physical attraction was sure to be one-sided after last night’s events with her ‘whacked out’ family.

“Good morning.”

Justin’s deep, suggestive sounding greeting from the doorway brought her head up with a snap. The room seemed to shrink in on her and that damned lightning bolt struck again as his heated hazel gaze reminded her of the intimacy they’d shared the night before.

Heart slamming against her ribs, she opened her mouth to return the greeting.

“I quit.”

Chapter 16

Justin blinked and barely kept from asking, “What?” He knew what this was about. She was embarrassed about last night. Then he considered her expression and thought maybe angry was more likely. Well, that wouldn’t last long.

“Guess who was on the phone,” he said.

“Didn’t you hear me? I quit.”

“Tess Kemen from Jenkins Associates.”

“I don’t care. Here are your things.”

She practically threw a small duffle bag at him. He caught it, but irritation flared when she avoided his gaze and scanned the top of her desk. A few items were stuffed into her briefcase before she walked to the drafting table.

“We got the job.”

“Good for you,” she tossed over her shoulder without the enthusiasm he expected. Dropping the bag back on her desk, he stepped forward and took hold of her arm. She stiffened as he turned her around.

“They want to break ground next month already.”

She stared at his hand. “Don’t touch me.”

Her sexy voice, the one that usually slid over him and seeped into his pores to heat his blood, nearly gave him frostbite. Its husky timbre was tainted by a hint of emotion he couldn’t define. He released her arm. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” She lifted her briefcase and started for the door.

“Hold on a minute.” He barred her way. “You can’t just quit.”

“Watch me.”

“What about your design?”

“Keep it.” She tried to move past him, but he sidestepped in front of her.

“The whole point of the job was to make sure you were compensated for your work.”
