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Nate drew himself up. “For the record, I didn’t shoot at you. The gun discharged when you grabbed my hand.”

“You saying it’s my fault?”

“No. I’m saying that I…” Nate stopped. “You know what, I’m not here to argue or make excuses. I came to apologize.”

Justin acknowledged a grudging measure of respect for the younger man.

“I shouldn’t have taken out my anger over…certain situations…on you,” Nate continued. “I’ve been dealing with a lot of things lately, and with the alcohol, well, I didn’t react like I… I wasn’t rational.” His gaze met Justin’s squarely. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

Justin almost laughed as he sat back against the front edge of his desk. Of course it wouldn’t. One, he’d never let Nate get the jump on him again, and two, he wasn’t so sure Marley would ever see him again.

Finally, he nodded. “Apology accepted.”

“Thanks,” Nate said. But instead of looking relieved, he shifted restlessly on his feet, his eyes cast downward.

“Something else?” Justin asked.

“Um, yeah. I’m sure you know Marley fired me last week.” He lifted his gaze and paused.

Justin nodded confirmation so he would continue.

“I was late more than a few times, but I’m hoping you’ll give me another chance. I promise I’ll do it right. I won’t be late. I’ll work harder than anyone else, and—”

Justin straightened. “Is that why you apologized? To get your job back?” The edge in his tone brought Nate’s chin up.


Justin considered his solemn expression and relaxed again.

“I know you need the help out there,” Nate said. “Without me, Marley, and you, the job’s three men short.”

“I’ve already filled those positions.”

“Oh.” Nate looked deflated for a moment, then squared his shoulders. “Well, I had to ask. The apology still stands, of course.”

Justin automatically accepted Nate’s offer of a handshake.

“I’ll see you around.”

When he reached the door, Justin said, “Doesn’t mean we couldn’t use another guy. We’re still behind schedule.”

Nate paused to look back and Justin nodded.

“I appreciate it,” Nate said.

“Don’t screw up.”

The younger man’s relieved, grateful expression grew serious. “I won’t. Thanks.” He opened the door. As Justin pushed away from the front of the desk to return to his chair, Nate paused again. “Justin.”

He looked up from his desktop.

“Marley doesn’t date much. My dad dated a lot after our mom died, and the women weren’t always very nice, especially after they figured out he wasn’t dating them so much as using them for sex and babysitting.”

Justin lifted his eyebrows but remained silent. Why did this concern him?

“After seeing the way Dad treated them, Marley went the opposite direction. She swore she’d never date unless she…um…found…” He left off that sentence to mumble, “Shit, she’ll kill me for this.” He met Justin’s gaze once more, a hard glint in his blue eyes. “She’s not as tough as she acts, and if you’re just playing with her, I’m warning you now, don’t.”

Nate walked out, leaving Justin staring after him.
