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“Justin,” came a woman’s voice. “The waiting area is this way.”

Marley’s attention shifted past him to a petite brunette who trailed around the corner after him. The sight of the beautiful woman in a summer halter dress reminded her it was a Friday night, and of course, he was probably on a date. Marley became painfully aware she’d just finished a ten-mile run. She was dirty and sweaty and dressed in her cut-off sweat pants and an old gray tee shirt that had holes worn along the seams.

When Justin stopped in front of her, she lifted her chin and strove for a cool tone. “What are you doing here?”

“Chuck called. Any word yet?”

She shook her head. He took her hand in his. Frown lines cut into his brow, but when he started to look down, she snatched her hand away to press her stinging palms against her thighs.

“He’s still in surgery.” She cast a glance at the woman who’d come to stand by Justin’s side. Why did she have to be so damn pretty? And almost the exact opposite of Marley. Dark hair, dark eyes, flawless make-up, tiny…everything—except her chest. The top of her head barely topped Marley’s shoulders, much less Justin’s.

Justin looked at the woman, too. “You didn’t have to come in, Kendra. Jordan’s on his way. I’ll ride home with him.”

The woman laid a hand on his arm. Marley battled the urge to yank it off.

“Colton’s parking the car. We’ll wait with you,” the brunette said.

Justin reached to cover her hand with his own. “Thanks, but it’s really not necessary.”

Marley couldn’t watch any more, especially if he gave her a goodnight kiss. She brushed past with a mumbled, “Excuse me.”

“Wait.” Justin caught her arm. “How is Nate?”

She spun around, dislodging his grip in the process. “I told you he’s in surgery yet. The doctor hasn’t come out to give me a play-by-play—which is fine by me—I’d rather he concentrate on Nate!”

She got out of there, hating the snippy,

jealous tone of her voice. In the bathroom, she took one look in the mirror and groaned. It was worse than she thought. Her cheeks were red and chapped from her run, she needed some lip balm and more desperately, a brush.

The hot water and soap stung her hands, bringing the pain to the forefront again. Marley met her own gaze in the mirror and suddenly felt awful. Nate lay in the other room, God only knew how bad, and she was stressing over her hair. She straightened her shoulders and flicked her tangled ponytail back over her shoulder.

There were more important things to worry about right now.

After splashing cold water on her face, she returned to the waiting room where Justin sat on a couch across from Chuck with Kendra at his side. The petite brunette rubbed a hand over Justin’s shoulder.

Marley walked up to them, meeting Justin’s wary gaze head on. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have vented my anxiety on you.”

Compassion flooded his eyes as he rose. “Marley, it’s okay. I understand you’re worried about Nate. You don’t have to apologize.”

She shrugged and looked away. Where was the doctor? Why was it taking so long? She didn’t want to stand here, wanting Justin to take her in his arms—Kendra or no—and assure her everything would be okay.

From opposite directions, two men entered the room; Marley only had eyes for the one wearing blue surgical scrubs.

“Ms. Wade?” He looked between her and Kendra.

Marley forced herself to step forward. “I’m Marley Wade.”

His smile ignited hope in her chest.

“I’ve set your brother’s leg, and we located and repaired the site of his internal bleeding.”

Marley swayed with relief as her knees threatened to buckle. A steady pair of arms lent support from behind. Justin’s sandalwood cologne filled her senses, and she felt some of her energy return. His presence was a great remedy for exhaustion.

“He’ll have to stay for a few days so we can make sure the internal bleeding has completely stopped, but I’m fairly certain after his leg heals, he should be good as new.”

“When can we see him?” Justin asked.

“A nurse will come get you when he’s out of recovery.”
