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He swung her around and leaned close. “He’s our brother, too.”

Marley froze. Of course…they knew. Her anger extinguished as quickly as it’d flared, leaving her drained. Man, this emotional roller coaster was one helluva ride. She didn’t know how much longer she could stay on.

“I see you know, too.” Justin released her arm with the accusation.

“Nate only told me last week.” She rubbed where his touch left her skin tingling. “How did you find out? Did Dale tell you or have you known all along?”

Justin snorted. “No. I overheard Nate arguing with my dad at the office after he asked me for his job back.”

Marley frowned. “He didn’t say anything.”

“Because he doesn’t know I heard. Neither does my Dad.”


She searched her tired mind for something more to say but the nurse arrived to take them to Nate’s room. When she sternly advised they’d only have a few minutes, Chuck said a quick goodbye, promising to stop the next day after Nate had gotten some rest. Marley gave him a grateful hug and thanked him for everything before following the nurse.

Acutely aware of Justin and Jordan behind her, she entered the room with trepidation. When a hand squeezed her shoulder, she knew without looking it was Justin. As much as she knew she needed to shake him off, she couldn’t make herself move any faster to escape the contact. He pulled away when she approached the bed.

“Nathan?” she whispered, reaching for her brother’s hand. His pale complexion would’ve scared her if the doctor hadn’t been so optimistic.

Nate’s eyelids fluttered. He turned his head in her direction. “Mar?” His hoarse voice was barely audible.

“Yeah, I’m here.”

“I…n-need…to tell you…”

She leaned closer, squeezing his fingers. “Shhh. Just rest. We can talk later.”

His eyes closed again. He moved his head side to side, his hand clinging to hers weakly. “Someone was…there. He…” His voice trailed off as he took a raspy breath.

To save him the effort, Marley said, “I know, Chuck was there. He came back and found you. He said he’d stop by tomorrow.”

“Not…Chuck.” He opened his eyes.

She frowned. “What do you mean? Who else was there?”

He opened his mouth to speak just as Justin stepped closer to the bed. Marley saw Nate’s gaze focus beyond her. His eyes widened ever so slightly. He looked even farther to the left and saw Jordan. His fingers tightened. His blue gaze returned to Marley. “What are…they doing…”

“Nate, they know. I’m sorry.”

His Adam’s apple jerked up, then down. “I’m tired.”

Her curiosity screamed for him to answer her earlier question, but the desperate look in his eyes prompted her to nod. “Of course you are. Just rest, okay?” She looked at her watch to see it was after ten. “I’ll be back first thing in the morning.”

She leaned over to kiss his cheek. Before she could pull away, his left hand gripped her shoulder with surprising strength. “Be careful.”

Her heart leapt into her throat, propelled by the warning in his whispered words and fearful concern in his blue eyes. Be careful of what? Or whom?

A brisk, authoritative knock at the door drew everyone’s attention. “I’m sorry,” the nurse said as she strode into the room. “You’ll have to leave

now. He needs his rest.”

Nate released Marley’s arm with a final squeeze, and she straightened reluctantly. She wanted to stay with him, find out what he meant. A glance at the stern nurse told her it’d have to wait.

“I’ll be by tomorrow, too,” Justin said.

Marley tried to catch Nate’s reaction to that statement, but the nurse got in the way as she urged them out the door. Jordan didn’t say anything, but in the hall, he turned to Justin.
