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Justin paced to the patio doors and back. “I don’t want to believe Granddad did anything, but I’ve thought a lot about this since this morning and I’ve got to face the facts. Look at where the company is now. If you consider the jobs we have out there, there is no reason for Hunter to be in any financial trouble. My guess is Granddad was already being bled dry, and if we continue to pay, it’ll only be a matter of time before it’s all gone—no matter how successfully we rebuild the business.”

Jordan’s jaw clenched and he looked outside. After a minute, he said quietly, “I hate it when you’re right.”

“In this case, so do I,” Justin agreed.

“So what, we let the guy know this is it, then? Call his bluff?”

Justin thought for a moment. “Let’s see if he’ll still meet and see what he’s got—if anything. We might consider going public ourselves. It could be a lot less damaging if we’re the ones to release the facts as we currently know them.”

Jordan looked horrified at the thought. Justin wondered if his brother would ever get past the matter of appearances being everything. However this all played out, he suspected neither of them would have much choice in the matter before too long.

“Dinner’s on the table,” Marley said from the kitchen table.

Jordan glanced at his watch. “I should get going.”

Marley set a bowl of spaghetti noodles on the table. “I set a place for you, Jordan. You’re welcome to stay.”

Jordan cast him a glance. Justin smiled wryly at the silent request for permission. As if he’d chase his own brother out.


Three hours later, he wanted to chase his own brother out. While he and Marley each had a glass of wine with dinner, and another half-glass of the dessert wine with the cheesecake, Jordan finished off the first bottle and almost the second when they moved to the living room to watch TV. He was close enough to drunk that Justin knew he couldn’t let him drive home.

It occurred to him that Jordan had been drinking more than usual, but Justin had attributed it to the stress of the past couple weeks. Jordan would ease up once things returned to normal.

Justin rose from the couch and made his way into the kitchen. The pot of coffee he’d started had begun to percolate when Marley joined him and leaned back against the counter.

Thinking about Nate’s interruption the other night, and Jordan’s tonight, Justin gave her a rueful smile. “Brothers and their timing, hey?”

A quick smile touched her lips, but it faded just as fast. “Does he always drink like this?”

Justin went straight on the defense. “He’s not a drunk.”

“I didn’t say he was, but you can’t let him drive.”

Justin indicated the dripping coffee. “What do you think this is for?”

“Why don’t you just have him sleep in Nate’s room,” she suggested.

“Because…” He walked over to place a hand against the counter on either side of her as he leaned in close. “I don’t want him here tonight.”

Her breath hitched, sending a swift stab of desire through Justin. “Oh.”

“Yeah, oh.”

He placed a soft kiss on her lips, intending to leave it at that and return to the living room. But she wrapped her arms around his neck, opened her mouth under his, and stroked her tongue deep inside.

He tasted mint and smiled when he realized she’d snuck into the bathroom to brush her teeth after dinner. Mindful of the garlic bread he’d eaten, he’d fished his toothbrush and mouthwash from his overnight bag and done the same. Good to know they were on the same page.

He followed her lead with the kiss, letting her control the speed as he fit her body tight against his. His hands memorized the line of her spine and the firm curves of her butt. He lost himself in her passion until the gurgling of the coffee pot signaled completion.

Burying his face in her neck while he fought to regain control, Justin asked, “How fast do you think a cab can get here?”

“Not fast enough,” she said breathlessly.

He laughed and groaned at the same time. “God, Marley, you drive me nuts.”

She pushed him away to reach for some mugs. “Good, that makes us even.”
