Page 31 of A Fair to Remember

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Charlie shrugged and returned his attention back where Wes figured it belonged. Tara stepped up alongside him as the ambulance left, gently touching the back of his arm.

“Let’s get you taken care of in the house.”

Her concerned voice warmed his heart, but he glanced at her father first. Kurt Russell walked toward the house with Jackie, completely ignoring them. Wes looked around to discover many of the onlookers—concerned neighbors, most likely—still remained, and more than a few of them eyed him with open curiosity.

“They’re only scratches,” Wes protested in a low tone. “No big deal.”

Tara rolled her eyes and pulled his hand free of Sugar’s collar. “Yeah, I got it, tough guy, just come inside so I can wash them.”

Sugar ran ahead, bounded onto the porch next to Tara’s father, then danced with expectant anticipation while waiting for the door to open. If only life were so simple, Wes thought, observing Kurt’s stone-faced expression. Dancing didn’t look like it’d get him anywhere. How much of the driveway scene on the bike had the man witnessed?

When Tara and Wes approached, Kurt said, “I’m going with your mom to get Carol.”

“Call and let us know how he is, okay?” Tara asked.

Kurt nodded and held the door for them. Sugar leapt inside, her nails scrambling on the tile floor of the foyer. Surprised, but not about to look a gift horse in the mouth, Wes started to follow Tara inside. Then he thought better of it and stopped to face her father on the porch.

“Thank you,” Kurt said gruffly before Wes could speak. He reached up and put a hand on Wes’s shoulder. “You helped save his life.”

Not comfortable with the praise, but not wanting to sound flip, either, Wes nodded. “We all did.”

Jackie came out with her keys and purse and Kurt dropped his arm. They were two steps off the porch before Wes managed to form his words. “Mr. Russell.”

Both parents paused and turned at the same time Sugar swept back through the open door. She bumped into Wes, almost buckling his knees and sending him back a step. His heart thundered in his ears, but he straightened and met Kurt’s piercing gaze.

“I plan to date and marry your daughter.” He heard Tara’s indrawn breath behind him, but kept going. “With all due respect, I’m not asking for your permission, but it would be nice to have your blessing. For Tara’s sake.”

Kurt stared him down for what felt like forever, until Tara stepped up alongside Wes and threaded her fingers through his. Wes didn’t dare look away from her father. Then Kurt’s dark, challenging gaze shifted to his daughter and softened. He sighed and looked down at his hands, appearing almost ashamed.

“I apologize, Tara.” The significance of his words rang clear. Wes’s fingers tightened on Tara’s with relief. Before he could enjoy the feeling, her father’s gaze sharpened back on Wes. “You are the first man with the guts to face me. I respect that, but don’t give me any reason to regret this.”

“Of course not,” Wes assured him at the same time Tara’s mother elbowed her husband in the ribs.

She smiled at Wes and Tara as she took hold of Kurt’s arm. “Let’s go.”

Tara slipped her arms around Wes’s waist. He hugged her to his side as they watched her parents leave.

In the silence of their departure, Tara whispered, “Did you really just say what I think you said?”

Heart lodged in his throat, Wes watched Sugar chase a leaf blowing across the yard. “You got a problem with it?”


He looked down to meet her unwavering gaze and grinned. “Good. Because I meant it.”

She tilted her chin up, pressing close with her eyes shining. Wes turned her into his arms and bent to kiss her willing lips. Gently at first, then deeper as her hands explored the muscles in his back, drawing them closer and sending heat coursing through his entire body.

He lifted his head a few inches when oxygen became crucial. “You know people will probably think we’re crazy.”


“Because there’s no such thing as love at first sight.”

Sugar gave a sharp bark next to them. Tara jumped, Wes grimaced. The Great Dane stared up at them with her soulful brown eyes, her tail wagging the rest of her body. She dipped down and barked again.

“Tell that to Sugar,” Tara murmured as she pulled Wes back down for another kiss.

