Page 102 of Run To Rome

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“Definitely not ready for that,” she breathed.

“Halli Sanders, you are a pain in the ass, you drive me completely crazy…and I’ve wanted you from the moment you smashed your head into my chin in my garage.”

Mind still reeling from the kiss, she frowned. “Violence turns you on?”

“No,” he said on a laugh. “That’s when I figured out what you were hiding under your travel clothes.”

“I distinctly recall you saying you weren’t that hard up. I’m nothing special compared to what you’re used to.”

As if she’d flipped a switch, annoyance flashed in his eyes.

“Stop doing that.”


“Selling yourself short. You’re—”

“I am short,” she quipped.

“You’re the only one making comparisons to women I’ve dated and finding yourself lacking. I’m attracted to you, Halli. Not just your body, but the whole obsessive, compulsive, patience-trying package.”

Another backhanded compliment. Man, he was so good at those. Then again, why did she care so long as he wanted her?

His hold tightened on her shoulders a moment before he pushed away. His fingers raked through his dark hair before he braced against the sink. “I was mad before,” he admitted, head hung low. “But at myself, not you. If anyone’s not good enough, it’s me. I have no business taking advantage of you. Especially after you’ve been drinking.”

Halli stared at his back in amazement. “Seriously? You think that’s what’s happening here?”

“I know that’s what’s happening. You’re completely out of your element with everything you’ve been through the past couple days. You said so yourself.”

That much was true. Sitting across the table from him at dinner she’d accepted the fact she had no idea what tomorrow held. They could succeed wildly, or fail tragically. The upside down trip her life had taken scared her to death. At the same time, unbelievably, she’d never been more aware of the world.

Colors in the garden, in the city, along the roadside and surrounding the lake were brilliant and vibrant. Food tasted better, smelled better. She was thankful for every breath of air and even for the scant few hours she’d spent with her sister this afternoon.

What a wild realization that, threatened with her own death, she was learning to live for the first time since she was sixteen. Trent was a part of that, and she wanted more.

From him.

With him.

Ironically, it sounded as if she’d have to do some convincing. The perfect idea waved its hand wildly in front of her warm face. She leaned against the small bar counter behind her and put the plan in motion, ever thankful for the extra bravery from the wine.

“You know, you’re right.”

He straightened and turned. His expression of resigned disappointment bolstered her courage further.

“And thank God you’re so honorable,” she continued. “I had no idea how defenseless, innocent, drunk little me would be against your grand, movie star irresistibility.”

His gaze narrowed. “Spare me the sarcasm.”

“Then spare me the ego. Yes, I had a little wine, but I am more than capable of saying no.”

After a moment of steady contemplation, his cocky smile surfaced. “I can be very persuasive.”

That’s the ego she was looking for. She spread her hands wide, palms up. “Give it your best shot.”

“Don’t tempt me.”

Halli deliberately lowered her gaze, shrugged a shoulder, and looked back up. “If you’re not up for the challenge…”
