Page 111 of Run To Rome

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Evalina strode through the villa, seething with anger and anxiety. She’d known all along this would be difficult, but the wheels had been set in motion that fateful night six years ago and no way was she going to back down from her chance to even the score with the bastard who’d killed her father.

The game had turned upside down with the involvement of Ben and his family, and for the first time she was scared. She hadn’t anticipated having to deal with a physical attraction beyond anything she’d ever experienced. She certainly hadn’t expected to care for someone in this scam, even if the American was an unwilling participant. But worst of all, she hadn’t planned on having to examine Nino’s motives.

She rounded the corner just before the kitchen and found herself face to face with Nino and Alrigo. Her heart slammed against her ribs. Avoiding the lust lurking in Alrigo’s cold eyes, she kept her gaze focused on Nino. Ben’s suspicions echoed in her head and she thought of Nino’s absence from their room when she’d risen at six a.m.

“Breakfast is laid out in the dining room,” she managed to say casually. “I brought the American a tray.”

“And how is our guest this morning?” Alrigo asked with a narrowed gaze.

Hard. She battled against an unfamiliar blush, casting him a glance as she sidled up to Nino. “He anticipates reuniting with his sisters later.”

Alrigo’s evil chuckle chilled her blood.

Evalina pressed against Nino’s side and placed a hand on his chest to gaze up at him with a pout on her lips. “I was lonely this morning in bed.”

He smiled down at her, because they shared a room, but never a bed. “In that case, breakfast can wait,” he said suggestively.

His hand palmed her ass, not unlike Ben’s a few minutes ago. With Ben, she’d fought to make herself move away. With Nino she had to fight to stay close. Playing the same character with different urges was wearing her out.

She forced a sexy little purr and pulled Nino’s head down toward her. Before they kissed, Alrigo made a sound of impatience.

“We have plans to discuss.”

“Give me a minute,” Nino stated.

Evalina seized her chance as Alrigo walked away, but was still in earshot. “Why didn’t you wake me up this morning?”

“You looked exhausted after last night,” he returned.

Since her back was to Alrigo should he turn around for one last look, she rolled her eyes at Nino before standing on tiptoe to press her lips to his ear. “Where were you?”

He stiffened at her tone and she cringed. Yes, she needed to know she could count on him so the whole damn thing didn’t go south and Alrigo Lapaglia got away with yet another murder, but she couldn’t let her nerves tip him off that she had doubts.

“I took a turn at guard for a few hours outside the American’s room.”

So Ben hadn’t been lying about that part. What about the rest?

Nino began kissing her neck. His fingers clenched on her butt again, then roved over her back and spanned her ribcage. Evalina endured his touch on the off chance that they still had an audience.

“Alrigo’s waiting,” she reminded breathlessly.

He licked her neck, hands inching upward. Lolling her head back as if overcome by passion, she scanned the hall to find it empty just as Nino’s hand cupped her breast and squeezed hard. With a gasp, she shoved against his chest and glared at him. Nausea rolled in her stomach.

He gave a shrug of innocence. “I heard someone coming.”

Her gaze swept the hall again in both directions. Assured they were still alone, she hissed, “Is everything set for later?”

He gave her a confidant, satisfied grin. “All set.”

Unfortunately, she was not reassured. The moment he disappeared around the same corner Alrigo had, Evalina clenched her fists at her side and tried to rationalize her morning. The last few minutes meant nothing. Of course she despised the liberties Nino took with their situation, but they went with the characters they played.

Just because he’d crossed the line, she couldn’t discount the fact that they’d worked well together since discovering their common goal. Each success along the way had brought them a step closer to that goal.

“Believe me, I know a double cross when I hear one.”

And maybe that’s exactly what Ben’s warning had been. A double cross. It made perfect sense after what he’d said about his parents being in jail. Although…the guy thought he was fighting for his life, so it couldn’t really be counted as a double cross. Still, that alone confirmed she couldn’t trust a word he said. He’d do anything to turn her against the others.

Her gut insisted differently as she headed into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to plan ahead for lunch. Had to keep up appearances until all the pieces fell into place.
