Page 93 of Run To Rome

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“I told you I wouldn’t be long.”

“I’ve heard that before.”

“Yay for me. Yet another way I’m the complete opposite of women you’re used to.”

More than you know.

“Here’s your change, by the way.”

A wad of bills landed in his lap. Change? Really? He stuffed the money into his pocket without looking to see what she’d spent. He shouldn’t even care if she spent all or none, damn it. Why was it that, despite the fact she drove him crazy and annoyed the hell out of him with her sarcasm and distrust, she was the first woman in a long time to interest him beyond sex?

Come to think of it, where the hell was that detached character he’d assigned to himself back at the villa yesterday evening? The one who set everything else aside and simply did what needed to be done to take down the bad guys. New roles came easy to him, but getting a handle on that guy was proving to be very difficult.

“Rachel said they hurt him.”

Halli’s soft words jolted through him. She didn’t have to say her brother’s name for Trent to know who she was talking about. So much for staying aloof. His fingers tightened on the steering wheel.

“It’s not your fault, Halli.”

She stared out the window long enough that he wondered why she brought it up in the first place. A quick glance revealed no tears, and yet the need to offer reassurance took hold. “I’m going to do whatever—”

“Do you think they’re holding Ben at the same villa that I filmed

?” she asked, cutting him off.

He hesitated before answering truthfully. “Based on Rachel’s description, probably. Plus, it’s the only place I know of that Lapaglia operates from on this lake, and he specified we’d meet by boat.”

“Any chance we can get inside?”

His brows lifted. “You want to pull a Remington and Mrs. King?”

“I’m serious.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. It’d be a suicide mission for all of us.”

“You didn’t think so this morning.”

“I wasn’t wanted for killing a cop this morning. Have you stopped to think about what happens to you if I get arrested? What happens to Ben?”

Her silence confirmed she hadn’t.

“Our best bet is to trade the video and pay the ransom.”

She rubbed a hand over her face, propped her elbow on the door and chin in her hand, and sighed. “Are you going to contact that guy with the military police?”

Lorenzo’s cousin Luca, the Carabinieri officer. “Simone gave me his number, and God knows we can use all the help we can get, but I worry about how far Lapaglia’s arm reaches, especially after finding out he’s got an informant at the consulate. If he gets wind we contacted the authorities…”

No amount of money would save her brother.

He also didn’t tell her one or two of Lapaglia’s comments made Trent wonder if the ransom would do the trick , even if they followed instructions to the letter. The man’s arrogance confirmed he believed himself above the law, no matter the evidence they had against him. During their phone conversation, he hadn’t even reacted when Trent brought up Lorenzo’s murder. With so many men of authority in his back pocket, a few more added to the body count wouldn’t faze him.

As he slowed for the turn that would take them along the lake up to Bellagio, Trent glanced over at Halli. “But he’s your brother, so it’s your call. Do you want to contact Luca?”

She looked surprised that he’d given her the decision and it took her a moment to answer. “I think we should figure out how the exchange is going to take place without these guys just killing us after they have the video and the money.”

He held off on initiating the argument that he’d be alone during the exchange, but he was all for making sure he and Ben were still alive on the other side. “Great idea. Seeing as I don’t think well on an empty stomach, let’s say we stop for dinner and see what we come up with.”

“Let’s say we skip the chance of you being recognized and arrested and I’ll make something on the boat,” she countered.
