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“What?!” Becca and I squeal in unison. I promise, we didn’t practice that. It just sorta happened.

“Yeah. If he’s swinging a big dick, we’ll know he’s at least a man. Plus, then we all get to admire the package he’s packing.”

“Ooohhhhh…I like how you think,” I say, wide-eyed at her brilliance. “God, I’m glad you’re my friend, not my enemy. That level of conniving is genius.”

We screech to a stop outside of my apartment building and as Becca swipes her credit card through the reader – it’s her turn to pay – we all pile out and head to the elevator. Becca squeezes in and as we start the ascent, I begin texting Carlton. God, I hate that name.

I begin texting Diesel.

Much better.

“There,” I say, pressing send. “Now let’s see if he responds. Hopefully, where he’s at really does have phone service.”

The doors open just as my phone vibrates in response.

As you wish.

And then...

“Oh…” Ashley breathes, jostling up against me.

“My…” Becca echoes, squishing in from the other side.

“God,” I finish because someone had to and I promise, we didn’t practice that one either. But the sight of this magnificent cock was literally swoon worthy. I felt a little faint as I stared at the thick, veiny, purple headed cock on my screen.

I hand the phone over to Ashley with a stern, “Don’t drop this and for fuck’s sakes, don’t close that pic!” as I shove my key in the door. Once we’ve made it in the door, we all gather around my phone for some more oogling time.

“I think it’s almost as big as Apollo’s dick,” Ashley finally says, and I just glare at her. There is no way Apollo, a suit, has a dick this big. She shrugs at my glare. “I’ll have to have him do a dick pic sometime so I can show you guys.”

I turn back to the photo in my hand. Apollo is fine and whatever, but he isn’t Diesel. Ashl

ey’s welcome to her boyfriend.

“So, now that we at least know that he’s hung,” Ashley says, “how else can we know that he’s an outlaw?”

We begin cleaning up in the bathroom. Thank god it’s big with double sinks so we can spread out.

“What do all outlaws ride?” Ashley asks, excitement in her voice.

“Horses?” Becca asks, deadpan.

“Outlaws in this century,” Ashley shoots back.

“Motorcycles…” I say slowly. “Ash, you’re a genius!” I drop my hairbrush and begin texting Diesel again. “If you are a real outlaw,” I mutter out loud as I type, “you’ll pick me up on your motorcycle and take me somewhere dangerous on our date. There!” I say, pressing send. “Let’s see what he has to say about that.”

Before I can even put the phone down, it vibrates.


“I wonder where he’s going to take you!” Becky squeals, as my phone vibrates again.

Fair’s fair - I showed you mine…

“Oh god, Lisa!” Ashley squeals in my ear. She snuck a peek over my shoulder. “Are you going to? Are you?”

“What?” Becca asks, crowding in on the other side of me. She lifts her gaze and all three of us stare at each other in the mirror over the bathroom counter. There’s nothing but the sound of my heartbeat.

“Are you?” Becca asks breathlessly.
