Page 101 of Trouble

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Hesitating, I guess that is a type of good-deed backfire. “I thought Joselyn would be happy about what I did. Instead, I feel like I lost her.”

“Well, you did take off without a word. She wasn’t happy about that.”

I blink up at him, realizing he was with them every day. “Did she say something?”

“She didn’t have to.” He points two fingers at his eyes then turns them on me. “She has the fire that shoots out of her eyes.”

The gesture makes me chuckle sardonically. “I should have called her.”

“You never did?” He makes a face like I just stepped in dog shit.

“No, I was… taking care of old business. Exorcising old demons.”

He inhales loudly and sits on the couch across from me, with a gesture. “Do you mind?”

“Of course not. Have a seat.” He might as well.

“You’re a smart guy, and clearly you have a lot of money. I’m guessing you know how to make deals and handle people.”

“Usually…” I’m pretty sure I haven’t done the right thing since a witchy redhead fell on me… however long ago it was.

It feels like a short time ago, yet it also feels like my whole life.

“Women like to know you’re thinking about them. They want to feel important to you, like they matter. You fucked that up, if you don’t mind me saying so, but maybe, if she really cares about you as much as it looks like she does… A grand gesture would be a good place to start.”

“Grand gesture.” I think about all the things we’ve discussed…

I’m not the beast or a prince or Mr. Freeze, despite what everyone likes to say.

He stands and walks to where I’m sitting lost in thought. “What you did for Miss Shaw was pretty grand.” He pats me on the shoulder. “Maybe you could do some groveling. Women also like being reminded when they’re right, because trust me, they usually are.”

Chapter 31


“He didn’t even try to stop you?” My mom leans on her kitchen table clutching her coffee mug of whiskey.

Courtney and I stopped off at the Westin to collect our things and check out before driving to Fireside. She decided to wait on telling Ollie about his dad until after meeting with her therapist. Again, something Spencer arranged.

It’s like he thought of everything but me.

Courtney cried silently most of the drive, and I held her hand. I can’t imagine how she’s feeling, although she claims to be relieved. Still, when she and Ollie were finally together, they hugged like it had been months.

We had a good old-fashioned dinner of fried pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, and corn and black bean maque choux, which happens to be my mom’s specialty. Then my friend said she was exhausted, which was completely understandable. The two of them went upstairs for baths and bed, and I hung back to fill in all the details—or as many as I know.

“He just stood there and let me walk out the door.” I exhale heavily into my coffee mug of whiskey. It has Dolly Parton on the front and the phrase “Cup of Ambition.”

She rocks back in her chair, setting her mug, which reads “Maybe Coffee,” on the table. “I just can’t get over that. When he came by yesterday, he seemed so different. Whatever he said or did, he is not the same man I met at Daisy’s wedding.”

“He’s always sweet around Oliver.” I frown, taking another small sip. “That’s what’s so infuriating about him. He’s incredible with Ollie. He swoops in like a superhero to rescue Courtney… and yet he lacks these basic human skills of just saying goodbye or returning my text when we’re apart.”

My mom looks down, and I feel like I know what she’s about to say, and I close my eyes. She reads my face and stands instead, walking around to hug my shoulders.

“I think you should all stay here a few days. Can you do that? It’s almost the weekend. Courtney’s eyes are so tired, and I’ve got plenty of room.”

Shrugging, I stand as well. “I don’t see why not. I saw my only client for the week, and Court rescheduled most of her appointments just in case.”

“Good.” Ma pats my arms before pulling me into a brief hug. “Go upstairs, take a nice long bath, get a good night’s sleep… And turn off your phone.”
