Page 99 of Trouble

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He’s so damn gorgeous.

Courtney stands, and he takes her hand, giving her a smile. “Don’t worry. That piece of paper should wrap this up pretty quickly.”

My friend grasps his hand, and her eyes are so hopeful. I’m standing behind the rail watching with gratitude and pain aching in my chest.

Hazel eyes flicker to mine, and his brow relaxes. “Joselyn—”

His voice is like warm butter, but the bailiff interrupts. “All rise.”

We turn at once to see the judge again taking her seat, a grim expression on her face. My scalp tightens, and I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.

“I spoke to the judge in Dentsville, and it appears these documents are in order. Mr. Carrollton’s private investigator uncovered a conspiracy to kidnap Miss Shaw and take her to a second location where this man had agreed to bury her body. He confessed under oath in exchange for a commuted sentence.”

“Oh!” It’s a sharp gasp from my friend, and I lower my head to my hands.

“Oh, God.” The words slip from my lips, and a sharp bang comes from the podium in front.

“Order in my courtroom.” The judge snaps. “In view of this new evidence, I dismiss the charge of first-degree murder against Miss Shaw. She has confessed to shooting her husband, but as this document establishes imminent danger, I will commute that charge and expunge this from her record.”

The gavel bangs, and the bailiff tells us all to stand again, which we do. I feel outside my body, like I’m not sure what just happened.

It’s all over.

Just like that.

The lawyers shake hands, and tears stream down Courtney’s cheeks as Spencer pulls her into a hug. I step side to side trying to figure out how to get around the silly wooden railing between us when she turns and catches me in a big hug.

“He did it.” Her body trembles in my arms. “He saved us, just like he said he would.”

A knot is in my throat, and I blink back tears as I meet his eyes over her shoulder.

His head is bowed slightly and his jaw is tight. He’s not smiling—he watches us with detached satisfaction. It’s so like him to do something this monumental and then to resist being proud or even to show emotion.

One of the lawyers taps his shoulder, and they shake hands.

Courtney lifts her head and speaks to the woman leading the team. “Can I go now? I really want to see my son.”

“You are free to leave, Miss Shaw. It was a pleasure working with you.”

“Thank you.” Courtney nods. “Thank you, Spencer. So much.”

I’m holding her hand, and we start for the double doors at the back of the room. They’re just closing behind us when a strong hand grasps my upper arm.

“Joselyn, do you have a minute?” Spencer’s hand slides down my arm, and Courtney’s dark eyes meet mine.

I don’t know what she sees, but she pulls out her phone. “I’ll just call Ollie and tell him we’re on our way.”

My heart is lodged in my throat, and I’m not sure I can have a proper conversation with him right now. At least not the one I need to have with him after this week.

Still, it seems I have no choice. He guides me to the side hall, away from the crowd of attorneys leaving the courtroom.

“Your text said you wanted to talk when I got back in town.” He gazes into my eyes with so much intensity. “I didn’t know if you meant now or if you wanted to wait until you came back from Fireside.”

My lips part, and I almost can’t believe him. “You could have texted me then.”

“Should I have?”

He literally seems confused, and I close my eyes as my heart screams, Yes, you should have. We’re in a relationship, dammit!
