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She was going to get the talking to of a lifetime, threatened with a butcher’s knife. No one would be able to find her body.

Jane put the cake on the counter and lifted the lid, giving it a sniff. “Smells so good. Do you mind if I have a taste?”

“No, of course not.”

“Honey, you have got to learn to relax. Have you never gone to see a boyfriend’s parents?”

“Not so much, no.” Her relationships had never lasted that long.

“Well, calm down. We don’t bite. We eat a lot. Caleb and James should be around soon. They called to let me know they were going to leave me alone with you. It would seem Rome has called everyone but his parents to tell me how nervous you are. Are you afraid of me, Miss Evergreen?”

This was a bad sign. It had to be. She was Miss Evergreen. This was where the talk happened.

“I’m not afraid of you. Not at all.”

“Then what is it?” she asked.

“You’re his mother, and well, I’m just…”

“The woman he wants to be with.” Jane cut herself a small slither of cake, placing it on a small platter, and grabbed herself a fork.

Andy was so nervous. It had been years since she last baked for anyone else.

“Look, I know meeting your boyfriend’s family can be scary. I get it. I have been in your position, and it’s not fun. Far from it, but I also want you to know that I’m glad you gave Rome the time of day.”

“You are?”

“Yes. I’ve watched him pine after you from afar, and I vowed, and promised my husband, I wouldn’t get involved in our kids’ love lives, but with Rome, it was hard. He was so different from his brothers, from the family, and I know he struggled with that. I’ve watched him grow from a young, nervous boy into a fine man.”

“He has.”

“You’re a good woman, Andy Evergreen. I know, I can tell good women. I watched you around town. We met at Rome’s parent-teacher evening. Do you remember that?” Jane asked.

Andy smiled. “We did. Oh, my, that was … seven years ago.”

“Rome was in love with you back then.”

“In love?”

Jane sighed. “I’m not the kind of woman to pussyfoot around. Rome is in love with you. Has been since he was a boy. Now, don’t get me wrong, back then, I watched you. I waited to see if you were one of these unethical teachers, but you never were. You never looked at Rome as anything other than a student, a gifted one.”

“He was a great kid.” Andy winced.

“You’re a kid as well.”

“I’m older than him.”

“So? Age is just a number. You’re both legal. You both want each other. Don’t think about the number and think about the feelings. That’s what you’ve got to do.” Jane nodded her head and finally took the mouthful of cake.

Nerves hit Andy as she watched the woman.

“How did I not know you could bake?” Jane said, taking an even bigger bite.

“You like it?”

“Like it? I love it.”

“When I got to town, I did offer out some of my baking, but it never, you know, stuck with people.” She shrugged. The truth was, knowing she was an outsider had hurt. The pain of rejection had been too strong for her to try again. She’d focused on her work and getting by.

Small towns had their rules, and she didn’t know if she would ever be accepted.

“Everything okay in here?” Rome asked, coming inside. He went to her, pressing against her back, massaging her shoulders.

“You can bring her around all the time. Have you tried this?” Jane asked.

“Nope. I haven’t. If it is anything like her cooking, it’s going to be good.”

“Try some.” Jane was already at the cake, cutting it into much bigger slices.

“Wow, it must be amazing if my mom is willing to have cake before dinner.”

Andy smiled. She locked her fingers together, waiting as Rome tried some of her cake. His eyes closed, and when he opened them again, there was hunger in his eyes. “Holy shit.”

Jane slapped him around the back of the head. “Watch your language.”

“The boys have arrived,” Theodore said.

“Here, try some.”

Within the next second, Theodore had cake shoved into his face. Andy smiled as she watched the Hard family enjoy her cake. Caleb and Lilly arrived with their baby, along with James and his family.

They were a tight unit, and as she watched them, she felt at home. They hadn’t pushed her aside. Jane didn’t hate her, and after Theodore finished his second slice of cake, he pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head, declaring her a daughter-in-law.

She had never felt like she belonged as much as she did with Rome and his family at that minute.

Her man came toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling her neck. “I told you they’d love you.”
