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Finding your emotional courage when it’s too late? Sounds about right. He ran a hand through his freshly washed hair. So what happens next? You tell her why it’s so hard for you to open up?

He couldn’t believe he was contemplating opening up to her. Not just about Billie, but also about his parents and how losing them had affected him.

He almost choked on his coffee at the thought. Katrina’s face, when she looked at him now, was a mask of hurt and contempt. He figured any attempt to restore his reputation would result in digging himself into a deeper hole. He might as well face it; the romance ship had sailed. The best he could wish for was that she would eventually understand that he’d been led in that direction and none of this was a reflection on her.

When Katrina returned to the room and he caught a glimpse of her face, that hope soon faded. Her usual sparkling look had disappeared from her eyes. In its place, she regarded him with a wariness that made him want to reach out and hold her until she was reassured.

Never gonna happen.

Instead of her uniform, she was wearing jeans and a tight-fitting gray T-shirt. In her hand, she carried shades and a baseball cap. “I figured it’s just too hot to wear a scarf or a hoodie, but I can tuck my hair up inside the hat.”

He nodded approvingly. “From what I’ve seen of Leigh Dennings, she’s pretty self-absorbed, so she’s unlikely to notice us. I’m not wearing my uniform, obviously, and I’ll put on a similar disguise to yours. I’ll need to take Boris to the station. One of the other officers may want to take him out with them. If not, he will still need his usual training routine.”

“I’ll take Holly and Dobby to Look Who’s Walking.” For the first time, her composure slipped and her lip trembled slightly. “After everything that’s happened, I’m not leaving them here alone.”

Resisting the impulse to close the distance between them and take her in his arms was torture. How was he going to get through a whole day in close proximity to her, knowing she was hurting? And knowing he was responsible?

Find her sister. Find the people who are doing this. Make her safe again. That was how he could help her.

“How about I meet you at the station in half an hour? I’ll pick up an unmarked police vehicle. We can head out to the AAG ranch and make an early start.”

As they went out to the garden to collect the dogs, he reflected again on how easily they’d established a feeling of rightness. And how fast it had come undone.

* * *

Katrina was struck all over again by the beauty of the AAG Center. Everything about the headquarters was perfection, from the location to the building itself. There must have been some damage done by the earthquake, but there was no sign of it.

“I haven’t met her, but Micheline Anderson must be a very smart woman,” she said to Spencer.

They were seated in the bland police vehicle with its tinted windows. Spencer had positioned it at the far end of the parking lot at a point where they had a clear view of the ranch entrance. They had arrived at a time when they judged the group members would be finishing breakfast and preparing to start their daily activities.

From what she’d heard in town, those activities included growing crops, making furniture, and other items that were sold to raise funds. The members also spent time in reflection, learning to become the best versions of themselves.

He shifted slightly in his seat. “I think you’re right about that, but what makes you say it now?”

“Just look at this place.” She pointed to the beautiful golden structure that appeared to be slumbering in the morning sunlight. “It’s stunning. When Micheline bought it, she must have seen the possibilities and known she could make it into a place people would feel welcome and supported.”

She withdrew her gaze from the building for long enough to glance at Spencer’s profile. His lips thinned briefly into a tight line before he answered. “Micheline is certainly an astute business person. She charges a thousand dollars for her seminars.”

“I know. That was why Helen Jackson was so angry. She thought her son had been preyed upon when he was grieving,” she said. “The thought of Helen, and the way she abruptly changed her mind, still worries me. I think she was pressured into doing it.”

“I’ll check it out, but if she sticks to her misunderstanding story, there’s not much I can do.” He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “As for Micheline, her seminars are just the start. At an additional five thousand dollars for each level, members can attain ‘honest selfhood.’”

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t know.” He turned to look at her with a slight smile. “And I don’t have enough spare cash to find out.”

She didn’t want to return the smile. She did everything she could to resist it. But her mouth refused to listen to the message. Despite her best efforts, she felt her lips turn up at the corners as her eyes maintained contact with his.

Spencer looked away first. Frowning, he focused on a dark-haired woman who was walking toward the center. “That’s Dee Walton, Payne Colton’s administrative assistant. I knew she was an AAG enthusiast, she offered their services after the earthquake, but she’s here mighty early. Clearly, her links to the group are closer than I thought.” He pulled out his cell phone. “I need to make a call.”

Katrina continued to watch the center as he spoke briefly to one of his colleagues.

“Kerry? While you’re checking out AAG members, look into Dee Walton...that’s right. Payne Colton’s assistant. And let’s get her in for questioning. She may be able to tell us something about the other group members.” He grinned at something the other person said. “Yeah, I know how you like to stay busy.”

As he ended his call, Leigh Dennings stepped out onto the porch with Randall on one side and Bart on the other. The three of them had their heads close together and were clearly deep in conversation, but paused to exchange a greeting with Dee.

“I’d like to know what they are talking about,” Spencer said.
