Page 98 of Her Secret Life

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And the thought of having Michael’s babies...oh, man...she got warm down below just thinking about it.

But she was Beverly Hills. She’d want to show her children off. And he was Santa Raquel. He not only valued his privacy—he needed it.

“I guess we need something about other potential lovers in our lives,” she said, hating the words even as they came out.

“I definitely have an exclusivity boundary,” he said. “As soon as you meet someone that you want to sleep with, you let me know and we’re done. That whole honesty thing. I mean that, Kacey—it would be a friendship breaker if you slept with someone else while you and I were having sex.”

Wow. Who thought a burst of happiness could attack her like that again? Like she was as whole and carefree as she’d been before the attack.

“Agreed. And back at you,” she said.

“So...I guess the whole get-married-and-have-kids thing...when one of us meets that person, that’s when we stop having sex.”

“Or a potential someone,” she added.

His face cleared. No more frown lines. No piercing looks. “Okay.”

What? Frickin’ what!

“So...” She lowered her head, but looked up at him. “Does this mean we’re going to have sex?”

“I guess it does.” He didn’t even crack a smile.

She did.

“Woo-hoo!” And, throwing her arms around his neck, she planted a hot and wet one on those glorious lips, perfectly happy if the arms that wrapped around her never let her go.

* * *

MIKE NEEDED A PLAN. Raising his lips from Kacey’s while he could still think, he shook his head when she went for him again.

She’d have her time.

And she’d see that he knew full well how to please her, too.

But he had to go. Had to get Willie.

He couldn’t just run off to have sex. And he couldn’t walk around with a constant hard-on. He had a little brother in a critical state between success and failure, leaning toward success. And he had work to do. A business to run or risk letting it run away from him. And photos to watch for.

His brother had spent one successful night at home. Could Mike risk another? And if he couldn’t, was Willie really on any road to recovery?

Not another school night, though. Mike wanted to be constant in his taxi service. He wanted Willie to know that he’d have to see his big brother after school every morning and every afternoon at the Stand. He wanted to be there in case Willie had something to talk about. “How about tomorrow night?” With his arms still around her waist, his enlarged penis pushing purposefully up against her, he put it out there without fully processing ramifications. But the next night after tomorrow night was Sunday night—a school night—and he sure as hell wasn’t going to ask himself to walk around for another whole week feeling like he did.

Or risk putting Kacey off, either. It was clear to him that, for now, she needed this. He was her safety tour back to life. And when she had her life back, he’d back out. Until

then, he wasn’t going to slow her progress.

The sooner she healed, the sooner they’d return to normal. Or she would. He’d never return to the man he’d been before she’d burst into his life. And he didn’t think he’d ever regret that, either.

Losing her might sting a bit—but not so much if they remained friends. And that would most likely be up to him. When she made exit signs, he’d make the going easy. That should ensure him visits from her now and then. Purely platonic visits.

She’d be a permanent light in his life.

“Tomorrow?” Her question, filled with surprise, might have been off-putting if she hadn’t also been clinging to his neck and grinning from ear to ear.

“Have you already told Lacey you were staying until Sunday?”

