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“He’s committed crimes before,” Gabi said. “He has a record?”

“For penny-ante stuff. Steeling bikes, pickpocketing, that kind of thing. His older brother’s upstate for armed robbery with attempt to harm.”

“Great,” Gabi said just as Liam asked, “So we have a description of the guy who hired him?”

Again Elliott shook his head. “Not much of one. The guy was wearing a trench coat that hung loose and he stayed in the shadows. Besides which, it was dark. He thinks he’s white. No facial hair that he could tell. He’s not sure about the length or color of his hair because he had a hoodie on under the coat. Average height. Not sure about his weight. The one thing he noticed was that the guy wore what the perp called a flashy ring. He figured if the guy could afford jewelry like that, he’d pay him as agreed. And that’s all he really cared about. Our slasher has a bookie after him.”

“Did he say why he wanted the car disabled?” Gabi asked.

“No. Just told him the make and model and where to find it.”

“So he didn’t have Liam’s license plate number?” Marie asked, remembering the first time Liam’s car had been vandalized right after news of the Ponzi scheme had broken. That first time had brought Elliott to them. But the other time, his car had been the only one in a deserted public park lot.

“Yes, he did,” Elliott said, glancing down and then back at Liam and Gabi, almost as though he’d been reluctant to give the information.

Because it meant that... “This is more than just pranks,” Gabi said.

“He’s seriously out to get me,” Liam said. “But he just doesn’t want me hurt, he wants to play with me first. To make me suffer.”

“No,” Marie blurted. “That’s ridiculous. He’s angry, but not dangerous, right?” She looked to Elliott.

He towered over them as he shook his dark head. “Liam’s right.” His words hit Marie hard. “The pattern shows a desire to stay low-key and anonymous—playing a game, like Liam said—but it’s escalating. You don’t go looking for a thug to hire, or hire one, if you’re not serious about doing harm.”

“And Liam’s the target.” Marie forced the words through the sudden dryness in her throat.

“That’s correct.”

“I’m moving into a hotel.” Liam stood, setting Gabi on her feet beside him. Marie could see the fear in her friend’s eyes when Gabi looked over at her.

“Wait.” Elliott held up his hand. His body in front of the door was enough to prevent any of them from leaving. “I don’t think anyone should go anywhere,” he said. “We have full security set up here. We’re contained. The police are putting extra surveillance on this place. Staying put is the quickest and best way to draw this guy out.”

“I am not putting my wife or Marie in danger,” Liam said. “Or any of our residents, either. I’m leaving.”

“But...” Gabi looked to Marie, as though she could somehow make things better.

“You’re not going anywhere, Liam.” Marie said the only thing she knew. “This is your home. We’re a team. Family...” She stood now, too, in spite of wobbly knees.

“Your leaving will only put everyone more at risk.” Elliott’s deep tone stilled the room. No one moved. Or said a word.

“Whoever is after you knows by now that you’re married, regardless of how quickly and quietly you two got it done. He obviously knows you’re in business with Marie and Gabrielle, as well. The purchaser of the Arapahoe is public record, as is the incorporation of Threefold’s LLC. If you disappear and he can’t find you, or if you move someplace where it’s not as easy to access you, chances are good he’ll go after you in a way that he knows will hurt you. Through your wife and best friend. He seems to be getting something out of stalking you. You take that away and he might try to hurt you worse, by going after your loved ones instead. He knows where they are.”

“Here,” Marie said. “If he can’t get Liam, he’ll get us.”

Liam’s lips were tight. Gabi’s eyebrows drawn together. Marie’s stomach was one big knot.

“What do you propose?” Gabi was the first to speak. She slid her fingers in between Liam’s. And Marie was glad. They’d stay together, like always.

She looked over to the large man dwarfing the door of her office. And now they had Elliott.

They were going to be fine.

* * *

ELLIOTT CLEARED HIS SCHEDULE. Until Liam’s attacker could be found, he was going to be at the Arapahoe full-time. Liam had insisted on his presence. Barbara Bustamante also offered to pay him to stay on the premises. He couldn’t take her money for that.

“But you’re undercover as Liam’s bodyguard at my behest,” she’d said early Saturday morning when he first called her to tell her what he was going to recommend to the newly married financier.

“And he’s not going to believe my cover if I don’t charge him extra for the time,” he’d said to her. “Besides, he can afford me.”
