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I put my hand on either side of his face, leaned forward, and kissed him. Hard. Desperate for him to feel what I had trouble saying. One of his hands slid up to the back of my neck, holding me in place. Our tongues danced. My lips hurt, but I didn’t care.

I pressed my body closer, rocking against his erection. Cool air hit my skin when Mal pulled up the fabric of my dress. His hands made their way under, grabbing and squeezing my ass. I pulled away, moving back in a frantic attempt to free him from his pants.

Malcolm put his hands on my wrists. “Ginger, baby, wait. Just wait.”

“I don’t want to wait, Malcolm. I’ve been waiting. Waiting to feel like this. I’ve been waiting to have someone love me like you do. To have someone love me as much as I love them.”

Malcolm let my hands go and sat back against the chair. A ping came from his computer, signally he’d gotten an email, but his eyes never left mine.

“I’m not distressed. Well, maybe I am a little. I need you. It’s hard. I can’t really put it into words, but I’m scared. The idea of losing you...I can’t breathe at the thought of that. I’m feeling all these things, things I’d sworn off because too much pain was associated with them. But with you, it’s like all new.”

I reached up, putting my hands on his cheeks. The course hair of his beard tickled my palms. I searched his face, drinking in the sight of him.

“I’ve been in love before. I’ve given my everything and got pain and heartache in return. I’ve been in love before, but never like this. The way that you love me makes me feel like I’m in love for the first time. I didn’t think it was possible. I didn’t think I had anything left to give, but it’s like there’s this part of me that remained untouched. Unjaded. That part of me that managed to hold out hope when I’d thought all was lost. The part of me that you claimed when I was fifteen when we shared our first kiss. My first kiss.”

I smiled at the memory. I’d been a nervous wreck and prayed I wouldn’t vomit. I stared at Malcolm, who continued to look back at me maintaining, a neutral expression. For once, I wasn’t self-conscious or afraid to express how I felt. The jittery, heart-pounding desperation from earlier had gone. A calm, peacefulness remained.

“I love you, Malcolm.”

He took in a breath, releasing it slowly as a large grin spread across his handsome face. He pulled me forward. The kiss wasn’t as hard as the one I’d given him, but it held the same passion and need. My entire body hummed with life, a deep, burning need down in my core. My hands went to the waistband of his pants. This time, instead of stopping me, Malcolm lifted his hips to aide me. He broke from the kiss and watched as I moved my panties to the side and lowered myself down onto him.

He sat up and kissed me again as I moved myself along his thick shaft. I gripped onto his shoulders, using them as leverage to help my movements. His head rested on the back of the chair. While his fingers dug into my ass, urging me to go faster. I did. The chair squeaked and groaned under the pressure. Malcolm’s phone started to ring.


“Fuck no. It can go to voicemail,” he grunted.

It stopped only to start again, which made me laugh. He groaned, but showed no signs of slowing. His lips were on my neck, kissing and nibbling. Then gentle sucking. The friction on my clit, the fullness of his dick, his mouth on my neck, all of it pushed me closer to the end.

His fingers dug into

my flesh. His hard grip spurring me on. “Fuck, baby...”

Soon as the words were out, my body spasmed. I clenched around him, riding him harder. Malcolm held me tight, pulling me close as he thrust his hips up. I gripped his shoulders, enjoying the remaining waves of my own orgasm as he approached his own. With a low grunt, he reached his end. I leaned forward, resting my head on his shoulder. We breathed heavily.

His fingers brushed across my forehead, moving the overgrown strands from my face. He kissed the tip of my nose. “Call me greedy, but can I hear it again?”

I sat up and couldn’t resist his lopsided sexy grin and excited expression. Putting my hands on his shoulders, I leaned forward so that I looked him directly in his gorgeous eyes. “I…” I kissed one cheek. “…love…” I kissed the other cheek. “…you.” I kissed his lips.

His hand went to the back of my neck, my arms wrapped around his, and my world balanced out.

I pulled away then climbed off his lap. “I should let you get back to work. Someone really wanted to get in touch with you.”

He stood. His limp, but still impressive dick hung over the waist of his pants. He adjusted his clothing before pulling me into an embrace.

“I much prefer the interruption.”

Chapter 51


“I don’t think I’ve ever been scared of your dad before.”

Ginger’s hand went to the side of her neck where I’d inadvertently left a hickey. “Yes, well, that’s because Dad doesn’t like being reminded that I have sex. He likes to pretend the stork brought Shawn.”

I gave a nod of my head. “Good to know.”

“He’s all bark, though. Mom’s the one you have to watch out for. Especially since you stole her babysitting job today.”
