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Hearing her say those words made me emotional. “Look at you, still finding ways to make me cry.”

“It’s what I do best.”

She pulled away, and it almost looked as if she was close to tears herself. All the nerves faded away.

When I sat back down, Mal reached over to take my hand, and brought it up to his lips.

“We can go ring shopping whenever you want.”

“Why? I have a ring.” I glanced down at the infinity ring he’d given me. It looked at home on my left hand.

“Really? You don’t want something different? A traditional engagement ring?”

I shook my head. “This one’s perfect. The words you said to me when you gave it to me. The deep meaning behind those words. Why would I want something else?”

He kissed the top of the ring. “Long as you’re happy.”

“Always, long as I’m with you.”

There wasn’t any more over-thinking or second-guessing of my choices. Being with Malcolm, agreeing to this relationship, was the best decision I could’ve made, even if I hadn’t known it at the time. He was everything I’d ever wanted.



The bridal march music started, and the guests all stood. Hearing it sent my stomach into a freefall. Any second now I’d lay eyes on my one and only. The doors opened in near slow motion, but there she stood. Ginger. My Ginger. An absolute vision of beauty. I’d not seen the dress. Macy wouldn’t allow it. As Ginger walked toward me, smiling the whole way, I drank in the sight of her.

The vintage lace dress hugged her body to perfection. Simple, and elegant, letting her beauty shine through. The beaded belt around her waist was the only embellishment. She’d opted for a hat veil, which added to the overall vintage look. My eyes went to her lips. Bright red lipstick. Damn she was a vision to behold. How in the hell did I get so lucky? This woman was about to become my wife.

She and Collin reached me. I let out a slow breath. So close. Ginger turned to give her bouquet of flowers to Macy.

Collin placed her hands in mine. “Take good care of her.”

I nodded, locking eyes with my soon to be wife. “I plan to.”

Collin gave me a pat on the shoulder before going to join Sandy on the front bench. He put his arm around her because she was already in tears.

I stepped forward, and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Damn, woman. You can’t spring something like this on me.”

She laughed and stepped back, mouthing at me to behave in the process. The officiant started the ceremony. A lot of what he said went unheard, with all my focus and concentration on the woman in front of me. What I did hear, it was time for the vows.

Ginger took my hands and stepped closer. She looked up at me and smiled. “Malcolm. You have been everything I’ve wanted but stopped believing I could have. There’s so much I want to say, but finding the words to convey…” she paused. I saw the emotion on her face. A single tear rolled down her cheek, and I reached up to wipe it away. “Today, I get to do something I’ve dreamed about since I was fourteen. To become your wife. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you for the rest of our days. You are my knight in shining armor. My prince charming. My happily ever after.” She smiled at me through the tears.

Reaching out to cup her face, I leaned down and kissed her. She gave a squeal of surprise but wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. In the distance, I could hear applause and laughter. Closer, I could hear the officiant clearing his throat, trying to get our attention. I pulled away, Ginger covered her mouth with her hand, still smiling just as bright.

“Sorry. Sorry. Guess I jumped the gun there.”

The officiant held his fingers up in a pinched fashion while nodding. “Just a little bit.”

“Got it. I gotta say a few vows or something.”

Ginger reached up, and using her thumb, she wiped off what I guessed to be traces of lipstick from my lips. She then stepped back, but the smile never left her face. We managed to get through the rest of the ceremony. I said my vows, slid the ring on her finger, and finally made Ginger my wife. After what felt like way too many pictures, we climbed into the limo and headed to the after party.


When we arrived at the Botanical Gardens, the wedding planner led us to the reception hall. We stood outside the double doors, listening to the announcer.

“Are you ready for this, Mrs. Frankel?”
