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She looked over at me as if I had some sort of insight about his sudden trip. I did, well, at least I had a strong suspicion as to why, but I wasn’t going to tell her. I knew Macy would find some way to blame Malcolm, and I didn’t want that.

“Things happen. Besides, he shops like you, so it’s probably best he’s not here.” I looked over at her and laughed. “Then again, I asked you to come, so I probably shot myself in the foot with that one.”

“Ouch. I think that was some sort of veiled put down. And this will be quick. We’ll just pick out the ugliest options available.”

“Not veiled at all. It took that man forever to pick out a couch. It was like shoe shopping with you. Remember, I have to look at this stuff too, so do you for that matter.”

She sat back, crossing her arms and pouting. “Fine, but we have to at least get him really frilly throw pillows or something.”

I laughed again before agreeing.

Chapter 23


I killed the engine, pausing before getting out of my truck. Ginger and I hadn’t talked much since her breakdown. I’d been trying to give her the space she needed and wanted. I knew we needed to have a conversation about what she’d said prior to her panic attack, but so far, I’d been too much of a coward to bring it up.

“Fuck!” My fist pounded the steering wheel. Every time I thought about her words, I got pissed at myself. I took a breath, knowing I needed to get my head right before knocking on her door. Macy had decided to host a couple’s dinner, and I could only pray she wouldn’t pick up on the tension, but knowing her, she’d sniff it out like the bloodhound she was.

Not able to put it off any longer, I climbed out of my truck.

“How are you this evening?” Dorian asked when she opened the door.

“Good. You?”

“Can’t complain.”

“How’s the house hunt coming?”

She smiled. “Calida complaining about me?”

I shook my head. “No, not really.”

She raised one of her perfectly arched brows. “That’s surprising. But I did put in an offer on a place that was accepted.”



I turned to see Ginger and Shawn standing in the hall. I did a double take when I saw her. She was wearing a dress, something I’d not seen her in since everything happened. Damn, she looked good. After not seeing her for a week, I realized how much I missed her. Wasn’t sure if she was wearing lipstick or if her lips seemed pinker just to taunt me. My first instinct was to kiss her.

“I know what you want, Malcolm. You make it clear every time you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”

I didn’t move from where I stood.

Shawn wiggled, trying to get out of her arms. She put him down, and his little legs carried him over to me as fast as they could.

I took my eyes off her, and knelt to receive Shawn. “What up, Lil’ Man?” He balled up his tiny fist, ready to give me a pound.

“Thanks for coming to get us.” She could barely look at me.

I picked up Shawn as I stood. His chubby fingers started pulling at my dreads like always. “No problem.” I looked around, noticing Dorian had made a quiet exit. “Are you ready?”

Ginger nodded and grabbed the diaper bag. She walked past me without throwing a glance in my direction. This was going to be a long night.

Shawn’s constant talking was the only thing to fill the damned awkward silence between us. No way in hell Macy wasn’t going to give me the third degree while trying to figure out what was going on between us. I glanced over at Ginger. She chewed on her thumbnail, her leg bounced, and she kept her attention on watching the passing scenery.

“The furniture was delivered today. Thanks again for doing that for me.”
