Page 19 of Being Hospitable

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I didn’t miss the slight shiver she did. “, need to feed Yoda first.”

“Bring him.”

The small beast wasn’t all bad. Unlike his high-strung owner, he was pretty chill. And like his namesake, he was working some sort of Jedi mind tricks on me, since I was normally a big dog fan, but actually kinda liked the tiny dude. Though it remained way more fun to give her shit than admit that out loud.

Back at my place, Ma got Ren situated. His little ass was not shy about making himself at home on my sofa. I was thankful she brought along a blanket for him so he didn’t scratch the leather too much. I walked out to get my grill heated and when I entered again Ma was standing in the kitchen, fridge open and mouth agape.

“There is no way you eat all of this before it goes bad.”

I knew she was looking at the vast assortment of fruits and vegetables I kept stocked. “Check the cabinet bottom left of the fridge.”

“A juicer. You have a juicer. Who the hell actually uses one of those?”

“Someone who just won the bet.”

What was in there was just the start. She hadn’t even seen the lean, butcher cut meats in the freezer. Or the assortment of fresh herbs.

“Fuck me,” she muttered.

“Greedy aren’t you. But later. We need to refuel first.”

She crossed her arms and frowned at me. “You do realize when I say that, I’m not actually requesting that you fuck me, right?”

I placed my hand on my chest in mock surprise. “What? I was certain it was a request. One I’m more than happy to fill. Being a good neighbor and all trying to help another in need.”

She nodded slowly, a smile leisurely replacing the frown. “So, like borrowing a cup of sugar, only I’m borrowing what, a dick?”

I barked out a laugh. “Yeah...something like that.”

She shook her head. “This is nuts. You know that right. Like we…” She gestured pointing back and forth between us to emphasize her point. “Don’t make sense. Outside of admittedly crazy high sexual chemistry, what do we have?”

Whatever we had was new, and fun, and label-less. And that was okay. I wasn’t thinking long term, but getting to know my uptight neighbor better was high on my priority list. The playful look on her face had been replaced with the pinched, pissed off look I knew all too well.

I stepped closer, placing my hands on her hips. “Fun, Ma. We have fun. Why can’t we start there and not overthink the rest?”

She looked up at me, frown deepening. “Overthinking is what I do. It’s my happy place and it keeps me out of trouble.”

I grinned as a thought popped into my head. “Have you been doodling our names together inside hearts on your notebooks?”

She shoved me. “Ew, hell no. And this is the issue. You don’t take anything seriously. Everything is a fucking joke to you.”

“Whoa, whoa. Slow the fuck down. We can’t all have sticks up our asses. There is nothing wrong with having a little fun. No need to spreadsheet everything to death.”

“I don’t have a stick up my ass.”

“You could’ve fooled me. You clearly turned your bitchy switch on out of no fucking where.”

She sucked in a sharp breath. My statement might have been a bit harsh, but damn I hadn’t been lying when I said she had a skill for finding new ways to offend me. I may have enjoyed pushing her buttons, but she could get under my skin just as damn easily it seemed.

The woman loved to toss up roadblocks for no damn reason. I s

eriously didn’t even know what the fuck we were fighting about. One minute we were joking about borrowing dick like it was sugar and the next she was acting hell I didn’t even know how to explain the foolishness that was unfolding.

Ma opened her mouth to speak but closed it again. Without a word she went to retrieve her dog and walked out of my place. I could have stopped her, and probably should have to figure out what the hell was her issue, but I let her go. Cooling down and regrouping would do us both some good.


