Page 1 of Being Neighborly

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Chapter One


Even at nine in the evening, the Arizona temperature hadn’t dropped enough to bring relief. Jess hit the button on her phone and the screen lit up; the display read ninety-six fucking degrees. With a quick tug, she removed the elastic band from her wrist, did her best to secure her wild, curly hair into a bun, and let out a small sigh at having the strands off her neck.

Her no-good landlord was supposed to have had the AC fixed three days ago. She lived in the goddamned desert. It should be criminal to make people live in these conditions with no AC. Since her job transfer timeframe had been moved up, cutting her days down from forty-five to twenty, she’d not had much time to look for a place.

She’d thought she’d lucked out finding this two-bedroom townhouse in Desert Rose Station, located on the northern end of Phoenix, because it was close to work. Good area of town, perfect size, right price, it fit all her needs. However, as she stood in front of the fan that really only served to circulate the hot air, lucky was the last thing she felt.

She ran a hand across her sticky skin, and the thin fabric of her sea-green tank top clung to her, damp and uncomfortable. She rolled up her shirt and let her breasts act as a natural weight to keep it tucked beneath them. It served double duty to soak up the sweat gathering there.

“This is bullshit!” she ground out.

She stalked toward the attached, small master bathroom and turned on the shower. Quick work was done to strip free of her clothes, before she secured the plastic shower cap over her curls and stepped in. The initial shock of the cold water caused her to squeal, before sighing from the sweet relief it offered, if only temporary.

After drying off and applying lotion, Jess put on a new tank top and a pair of boy-short panties. Once downstairs, she grabbed a bottle of water from her fridge. Its cold sweat met the back of her neck as she turned off the lights and walked outside to her “semiprivate” deck. At least the place was quiet, and she didn’t have to worry about too many people being outside. The odd design of the complex provided nearly zero privacy.

Her building and the one across the way sat in the middle of the subdivision and she’d wondered more than once since being there if the developers threw these two up once they realized they could squeeze in more. The weird layout was probably why Jess couldn’t recall a single time she’d seen or heard anyone using their patios in the month she’d lived there.

She settled into her lime green Adirondack chair, cracked the seal on the bottle, and stared at the dark window of the townhouse directly across from her. A light flicked on and the male occupant strolled into the living room wearing only a black towel around his waist. No more than thirty feet separated her building from his. The common “greenspace” didn’t even have tall cacti for an attempt at privacy; instead its desert scape consisted of low colorful bushes and reddish river rocks of some sort. With his blinds wide open and the only light source coming from his unit, Jess had a clear view into his house.

A mess of dark wet curls sat atop his head, and when she squinted she swore she could almost see the beads of water as they rolled down his well-toned chest. The man could be a walking advertisement for any underwear company, gym, or a combination of the two. Maybe she needed to make more of an effort to get to know her neighbors after all.

Jess took a drink but started a choking cough when he removed the towel, rubbed it across his hair then tossed it on his black leather couch. She turned and ducked her head in an attempt to peer through the slits of the fences on either side for signs of life. Nothing. Not a sound.

Enamored with the scene being played out before her, Jess couldn’t tear her attention away. Surely he’d close the blinds. He ran his hands across his tanned chest then down...down...

“Holy shit,” she whispered then covered her mouth.

He took his impressive cock into his hand and did slow strokes along the length until it stood full and erect. Even from a distance, dude was packing, and she could only imagine seeing that thing up close and personal. Jess brought the bottle to her mouth and guzzled more of the water. The man across the way sat on his couch, propped his legs up on the coffee table, and bent them at the knee with a wide stance.

The bottle fell from her hand and she sat up to move to the edge of her chair. Her mouth went dry as she watched his movements. How could he—why would he do this with the blinds wide open? But he was.

Jess let out a breath, mesmerized by this sexy stranger pleasuring himself. His head dropped back on the couch and his hand worked in slow, rhythmic motions: up, down, up then his thumb circled the head.

Jess covered her mouth. Her breathing rose and fell in sync with the guy’s hand. Nipples hardened and the familiar tingle of arousal radiated between her legs. How long had it been since she’d had a cock? A real, long and thick cock attached to an actual man instead of run on batteries. Six months? Longer?

Her tongue rolled across her lips, and her hand ran across her heated skin. Dipping her fingers below the neckline of her tank, Jess skimmed the tops of her breasts. Almost of their own accord, her hands slid down and her palms grazed her erect nipples. She made slow circles around the sensitive peaks, and a breathy whimper escaped when she gave them a pinch.

Her neighbor worked his cock, rocking his hips back and forth. Jess bit the inside of her cheek and leaned forward to get a better view. The clenched eyes and the way his mouth hung open all clear indicators of how deep in the moment he was. She parted her own lips. Her pussy pulsed with arousal in sync with each rapid beat of her heart.

A shiver of excitement shot down her spine at being a secret witness to something so personal and private. She swallowed. Her fresh panties now dampened and her fingers twitched, but she resisted the urge to slip them under the thin cotton fabric.

Faster his hand went. Her breathing quickened and she ran her hands up her bare thighs, using her thumbs to stroke herself. Spying on him was probably wrong, and part of her said look away, but she couldn’t. She could only fight against the growing need to join him by spreading her legs wide, plunging her hand inside her drenched panties, and finger fucking herself. Her tongue moistened her bottom lip and she rocked forward, continuing to tease her stimulated sex.

Her heart pounded and her mouth went dry. The man kept going, raising his hips up to meet his strokes. Jess’s eyes widened and she let out a low squeal when spurts of come shot forth from his cock. He continued to pump, drawing out the final bits before he relaxed back against his couch. The guy then picked up the towel, cleaned his hands and stomach, before hoisting himself up.

When he walked toward his patio door, Jess shrank back against her chair. His head tilted to the side and she held her breath. Could he see her? Was he going to confront her for spying on him? She remained frozen, desperate to flee, but afraid of drawing attention to herself. Her eyes went to his limp, but still impressive cock then back to his face. She could have sworn he smiled in her direction before pulling the vertical blinds closed.

Jess relaxed, picked up her bottle, drained the remains of her water and let out a nervous laugh. “Well, fuck me.” Her eyes closed and the scene replayed in her head.

Yeah, she’d like to fuck him for sure.

A wry smile tugged at her lips and she pushed herself up to head back into her sweltering townhouse. The heat radiating off her body now had nothing to do with the Arizona weather and lack of AC. As she turned to close her blinds, she detected movement at his.

Shit! Maybe he had seen me.

She sank her teeth into her bottom lip and pressed against the wall. In her best attempt to be stealthy, Jess peeked around to see if he was looking out and let out a sigh of relief when she saw the lights were off across the way. She locked the door before heading upstairs to spend some quality time with Franco, her trusty vibrator.

Chapter Two


Ryan pulled his dusty Toyota Tacoma up to the curb by the community mailboxes and threw it into park. The temperature change from the cool air-conditioned cab to the sweltering heat instantaneous as he stepped out. After a long day of working in the sun, he wanted nothing more than a shower and a cold beer.

The sight of a curvaceous ass attached to a pair of shapely light brown legs stopped him in his tracks. As his gaze drifted upward, the side profile didn’t disappoint. Round hips, ample breasts, and thick, black curly hair piled high on top of her head.
