Page 3 of Being Neighborly

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“Fuck!” His hand went faster.

She pinched her nipples and he nearly lost it.

“Come on, baby. Play with yourself.” He jutted his chin up then let his gaze slide down to her pants.

Her gaze dropped as she followed his eyes. With lips pressed together, she let one hand roam down across her stomach until she got to the waistband of her shorts. Her mouth opened when her hand disappeared inside.

“Hell yeah!”

His breathing hitched, and his hand sped up as he tried to picture if she was natural, bare, or something in between. The idea of her fingers buried deep where he wanted his cock pushed him closer to the end. She rested her head against the glass, her free hand balled into a fist. She had to be close. Rapid thumps of his heart mixed with quick shallow breaths.

Ryan’s balls tightened and he groaned before the release of his hot come shot out and splattered against the window. He managed to keep his eyes open and on her. She banged her fist against the window and her knees buckled slightly. Fuck, it was an amazing sight. Her mouth opened, and Ryan itched to hear the delectable sounds she might be making.

Sweat beaded across his brow, he picked up his shirt from the floor, wiped his forehead, cleaned his hands, and then attempted to do the same to the window. Their eyes met, and he grinned at her. She covered her face and turned her back to him. Not the reaction he’d expected, but somehow it fit her. Smile still in place, he put his now limp dick away and headed upstairs. A quick shower and some food, then he’d see if they could step things up.

Chapter Three


Jess removed the plastic cap from her head and her mass of black curls tumbled free. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. The cold shower she’d just taken had less to do with her still nonworking AC and more about her unbelievably hot neighbor. With rapid shakes of her head, she erupted into a fit of giggles. Had she really done that? She had, and even more surprising, she’d not overthought it, and just did it.

“Ryan...” she said, after getting herself under control.

If ever there was a time to say someone had the body of a Greek god, it was when talking about him. He’d been impressive to look at from across the way, but up close... Hot. Fucking. Damn. He had the most defined cheekbones of any man she’d ever seen. Full lips that she hoped he knew how to use properly. A strong, prominent nose sat between smoky gray eyes. Man, those eyes. The way he’d looked at her.

She let out a groan, her body temperature on the rise again, with most of the heat collecting between her legs. As soon as she started to unwrap the towel from around her body, the doorbell rang. Her brows drew into a tight V. She sure as hell wasn’t expecting guests, mainly because she’d yet to meet anyone worth inviting over since moving here. On her way out of the bathroom, she grabbed her satin robe from the hook behind the door, and slipped it on as she made her way down the steps.

The doorbell rang again when her feet hit the cool tile at the landing.

“I’m coming. I’m coming.” She unlatched the door and yanked it open.

“You certainly were.” The comment came attached to a devastatingly sexy, crooked smile.

Being unprepared to see him up close and personal had her at a momentary loss for words. His well-tanned arms were folded across his chest as he stood with a wide legged stance on her front stoop.

“ are you doing here?” She sucked in a breath, annoyed at her inability to form a cohesive sentence. What was it about him that had her tripping over her own tongue?

A tongue she’d love to use to trace along every....she shook her head to stop her wayward thoughts.

He reached behind him, still wearing that damned sexy grin, and pulled a folded, pink card from his back pocket. “You dropped this, Cinderella, in your mad dash to flee the scene. Figured I’d do the neighborly thing and return it to you.” He held it out toward her, but yanked it back as she reached for it. “I like it, by the way.”

A tilt of her head followed by shifting her weight to cock out a hip. “Like what?”

He handed her the offending piece of mail. “Your name. Jesslyn. Jesslyn Watson. I like it, and it’s a lot less awkward to use in public than the aliases you gave me earlier.” He winked before laughing quietly to himself.

“Thank you. And it’s just Jess. The only person that calls me Jesslyn is my mother. It was my parents’ failed attempt at giving me a unique name by combining theirs. Jessie and Lynn.” She closed her eyes and took a breath to get her serious case of diarrhea mouth under control. “Sorry, you probably don’t care about any of that.”

Beads of sweat trickled down her back. She reached behind her to rub the area, causing a gap in her robe. It wasn’t missed on her that his attention was immediately drawn to her large breasts, barely contained behind the towel. A slant of his head came accompanied with the licking of his lips. She rolled her eyes and adjusted her robe to close the opening.

“So, neighbor, do I get an invite in? Sorry for not bringing over some baked goods to welcome you to the neighborhood, but you really don’t want me cooking.” The request came complete with another megawatt smile.

She folded her arms across her chest, trying her damnedest to ignore her body’s eager agreement to have him closer. “I’m really not in the habit of inviting strange men into my house.”

Unfazed, he leaned against the doorframe, his entire essence commanding the space and her attention. “Aw, Jess, after what we’ve shared, we, at the very least, need an upgrade to acquaintances.”

She ran her tongue along the front of her teeth before breaking out into a large grin. He had a point.

“Well, it’s a little hot in here. AC’s out.” She stepped to the side and extended her arm. “But sure, come on in.”
