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“No one,” he whispered, looking away.

“Galverson runs the new crew, doesn’t he? He’s who your father’s working for?”

Geezer didn’t reply, but he didn’t have to. I read his body language, and it was enough.

Jace wasn’t at war with anyone. He was working with them.

I walked back out the door and headed to the ER lobby. Seeing Sasha and Mandy curled on one of the

couches, I moved to stand in the opposite corner, staring out the window. In the window’s reflection I saw Devon and Carter enter the lobby, looking slightly scared, but trying to hide it.


Mandy flew into Devon’s arms.

Interesting, but I wasn’t really surprised. I knew Mandy was going to take him back. It had been an unspoken understanding between everyone in their group.

Carter grinned ruefully before going in search for Tray.

“Devon, I was so scared.” Mandy was whimpering again. In that moment I realized how spineless my adopted sister was. I loved her, I had come to love her, but—she was useless in an emergency.

“It’s okay, Mands. I’m here. They can’t hurt you anymore,” Devon was promising, kissing the top of her head, hugging her tightly.

I felt a little sick.

“Like you didn’t know they’d get back together,” Sasha remarked, coming to stand beside me. She was watching Mandy and Devon.

“I did know,” I said softly, grasping the curtain lightly. “I just didn’t want to think my sister could settle for someone like him.”

Exasperated, Sasha cried out, “You think you’re so goddamn better than us.”

“No,” I said evenly, “I just don’t let people walk all over me. There’s a difference.”

“Settle? You think that’s settling?” She gestured to Mandy and Devon. “Devon’s one of the nicest guys in school. He’s going to Columbia in the fall. He’s going to be a doctor. And you think Mandy’s settling?”

“Yes,” I turned to face her squarely, “because he’s weak and she’s choosing to let him make her life miserable most of the time to feel that prestige…that immediate gratification—some of the time.”

“You have no idea,” she cried out angrily. Her platinum hair flew in the air as she turned on me, her hands coming to rest on her pointed hips.

“I know plenty,” I returned stiffly.

Tray and Carter returned to the lobby. Bryce was being led out with Jasmine’s arm around him. Grant was supported by his sister.

They turned to go, but Grayley and Brian entered at that moment. It was obvious they were looking for me, because they weren’t surprised to see me when their gazes settled on me, standing by the window.

Geezer had tattled.

I know it’s second grade, but that’s what I thought. Geezer had tattled on me and now I had to deal with the teachers; like I was the one in trouble.

“Taryn,” Grayley began first, “you don’t know—”

I stared at Brian and said softly, deadly, “I’m going to figure it out.”

“Taryn,” Brian began softly, taking a step towards me, “you really don’t know. You can’t be asking questions…”

“Like why my best friend,” I sent a scathing glare to Grayley, “lied to me and told me my ex-boyfriend beat up Geezer—because of me! You didn’t beat him up because of me, it had nothing to do with me.”

“It had everything to do with you,” Brain insisted, glancing nervously at the front desk. “It still has everything to do with you.”
