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“I saw it. You tore it up, it looked like a bomb had gone off in there.”

“I was on a mission. Plus, I know where to look. I am, after all, a thief.” I grinned. I was feeling a little better. I didn’t know why, or how, but I was better. I turned around and straddled him, both of us remembering our activities last night.

“I can tell Carter to fuck off and come with you. We can take my vehicle, we’d leave whenever you want.”

“When’s the first game?”

“Three. Most everyone’s checking in at the hotel tomorrow afternoon and then heading over to the game.”

“A hotel?”

“Yeah, I have a room reserved.”

“Were you planning on sharing with Carter and the guys?”

“I was, until two weeks ago.” He stared at me pointedly.

“Oh.” I grinned.

“Come on,” he persuaded, his hazel eyes twinkling with a smidgen of amber. “Mandy’s in rehab. Your folk are gone. It’ll be fun. It’s time to get away.”

“Do I have to spend time with Amber, Jasmine, and Tristan?” I rolled my eyes. I’d sign up for rehab myself before I had to spend a weekend with those three.

Tray laughed. “I’m thinking no.”

He’s right. I really didn’t have much else to do, except clean up Mandy’s room. Besides, a weekend, in a hotel room, with Tray sounded heavenly. A week ago, I never would’ve admitted that, let alone think of it.

“Okay.” I sighed. “But I have a lot to do in the morning.”

“You can get it done. Go in first hour and give your messages. Then pack, clean Mandy’s room. We can leave whenever you’re done.”

“It’d be fun to leave with everyone else.”

“Yeah,” he agreed. Tray tugged me down to him and I met him half-way, our lips met and we clung to each other. The kiss started out slow and tender, but a spark ignited in me. I clung to him desperately, as I felt the fire explode inside me.

Tray was quick to respond and the kiss deepened, passionate.

Our movements were heated, both desperate to forget everything, the need to be consumed by each other.

Tray stood and walked us to the same bedroom.

By the time he lowered me to the bed, I was already wrenching off his shirt, and his hands were fevered, trying to get mine off. It became a race and we couldn’t move fast enough. Finally, he pushed in, a deep slide that left me gasping. He reared up again and again, going deeper each time. I moved in sync with him, both of us a little crazed in the moment.

After we came together, my last thought before I fell asleep was that the world hadn’t fallen apart.


Arriving early to school at the ungodly hour of six a.m. is just wrong. What’s worse? Glittery, peppy cheerleaders at six in the morning.

Maybe it was because I’d only gotten a few hours of sleep last

night, but I was literally dragging. I had a full day ahead of me so I had to start early. I figured I could sleep on the way to the cities since Tray was sleeping in.


I cringed, but fought the impulse to hurl my coffee at the voice.

“Hey, Taryn!”
