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“Mom and Dad are going to know.”

“Hey,” I shot my leg out and blocked his exit from the kitchen, “what the hell’s your problem?”

“Nothing. I’m just telling you—you look like you got laid last night and showering isn’t going to hide it.”

I tipped my head to the side, eyes speculative, “You get laid last night?”

He snorted, “I’m fourteen. Mom and Dad would skin me alive.”

Whatever. I asked instead, “So what’s her name?”

Austin shoved my leg off the counter and walked out of the room with a plate of pizza. A second later I heard the TV blaring.

I shook my head. The fourteen year old had an attitude. Looked like we were a match made in heaven. I’d need to pay more attention to him.

“When did you leave last night?” Mandy asked, coming down the stairs.

“When you and Carter decided to start a make-out session at the table.”

“Everyone saw you and Tray leave together. Seriously. It was so sweet—Jasmine and Devon showed up with Grant at the party. Jaz still has it for Tray and I guess they showed up just when you guys were taking off. I seriously loved it! It’s the perfect revenge.” she chatted happily, grabbing a Pop-Tart.

“Except it has nothing to do with you, Jasmine, or Devon,” I remarked, jumping on top the counter, swinging my legs, watching Mandy rush back and forth in the kitchen. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to make some food for when Mom and Dad get home. They should be here any minute.” She expelled a deep breath.

Huh. I’m fine with what I had to eat.

“So you and Carter,” I mused.

She shrugged and, if possible started to busy herself even more. She remarked, “I don’t know. We just…I guess so.”

“You were all for it before. Carter specifically asked me to come to his party, remember? And he stayed the night.”

“Nothing happened.”

“Something did. You progressed,” I pointed out.


I narrowed my eyes, studying her. Something had happened. Something…oh shit. I announced, “You talked to Devon last night.”

Mandy jumped, spilling the milk.

“You did. And you’re thinking of taking him back,” I pressed on, my eyes wide in shock.

“I did not. I mean…maybe…I don’t know.”

“When’d you talk to him? After your make-out session with Carter and before the two of you had sex?”

“We didn’t…well…shut up about it, alright?” she snapped.

My sister. All blonde. Cheerleader. On student council. And flustered right now. I loved her.

“Mandy. It’s fine if you did. You guys were together for like, four years.”

“What?” She whirled to me. “Oh. You mean me and Devon.”

“So that’s it.” Understanding was now dawning. “You had sex with Carter last night and now you’re feeling guilty about it because of Devon.”
