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I imagined him between my thighs and my face got hot. My nipples got hard. My lady garden got wet. It had been ages since I’d had sex and ages since I had wanted a man like this.

Being a workaholic was something Michael and I had in common.

Clearly another thing we had in common was a burning desire for each other.

He’d adjusted to me being Savannah easily. Or Savannah being me, however you wanted to look at it. I should probably have been concerned about that but I was choosing to ignore it.

I could dissect all of that later, after I’d had at least two orgasms.

When I got to his building I texted him and he buzzed open the door.

Come on up.

In the lift, I yanked my beanie off and dug in my purse for a brush and gave it a good yanking through my long hair. I popped a mint in

my mouth and chewed it quickly, then put on a nude lipstick. Fortunately with it being winter my skin was drier than usual and didn’t need a blot, but I wished I had known I would be having sex when I’d woken up that morning. I would have chosen my underwear with more care.

As I got off the lift, Michael’s door opened and a man came out.

I gave him a nervous smile, realizing if he had been in the flat with Michael, he knew precisely why I was showing up.

The grin he returned confirmed that. “Hi, Felicia, I’m Sean, Michael’s brother.”

“Oh, hi, nice to meet you. I see the resemblance.” He had the same strong jaw and rich brown eyes.

“I’m the younger and better-looking brother,” he said, winking.

Michael appeared in the doorway. “Sean, shut up and go home.”

He gave me a look that made my inner thighs bloom with heat.

“I’m going. Have fun, kids. Nice to meet you, Felicia. Make sure my brother holds up his end of the bargain.”

My cheeks got warm. Damn it. I hated to blush but Sean obviously knew everything and that was just a touch awkward. Nothing for it but to just own it. “I’ll be very firm with him,” I said. “Rest assured.”

Sean laughed. “Good.” He clapped his brother on the shoulder. “You’re in trouble. Talk to you later, man.”

He moved down the hallway and Michael gestured to his flat. “Come in, Felicia. It’s good to see you again.”

“See?” I said. “There it is. Polite.”

“And that’s a problem?” he asked, looking amused.

“No, it’s just a smoke screen I wasn’t prepared for. I like the combination though. A lot.” I wasn’t even bothering to be coy. Why should I? He’d read all my texts. There was no hiding what I wanted when I’d already literally spelled it out.

“I like that such a sweet and pretty face hides a devious mind.” He shut the door behind him.

“Devious? That seems a stretch.”

Michael stepped into my personal space and looked down at me. “Devious. Naughty. Sexy. Beautiful.”

I had to tip my head to look up at him. “You make me sound very intriguing.”

He nodded. “You are.”

Then he cupped both of my cheeks with his hands and gave me a sensual kiss. Neither light nor hard, but that delicious in-between where your mouths meet like partners in a dance. I sighed in pleasure.

He broke off the kiss and said, “Let me take your bag and coat.”
