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I rolled my eyes and grabbed the pile he was referring to. “You don’t chop vegetables.”

“I would if I had counter space.”

“Bloody unlikely.” I bit my lip and ripped the top of the envelope off. “And there are only two envelopes, not three.”

For a second as I scanned it, I told myself I wasn’t reading what I was. So I read it again. And a third time.

The blood drained from my face. I got dizzy and hot.

“What does it say?”

“I’m being deported,” I said, my voice a strangled whisper. “In forty days. Unless I can provide a reason why I shouldn’t be, such as an engagement or marriage to a citizen.”

“Um… that sucks. Can’t you contest it or protest it or something? I thought you had permission to be here.”

“I do. I did.” I winced and shoved the offending letter in my bag. “It would seem I’m at the end of my visa. What happened to my extension? I applied for it at least two months ago.”

I shifted through the pile to the other two envelopes. One was from Immigration. One was to Immigration. “Oh shit. I think this is my extension application. It never got mailed.”

“Felicia, what the fuck?” Javier looked outraged. “How could you let that happen?”

“I don’t know!” I wrung my hands. “I mail two dozen packages a week. They all are picked up by the mailman. This should have been in that lot ages ago!”

“It’s been sitting on the counter the whole damn time. How could you not at least go through the pile and realize your mistake?”

I had no idea. I had been so certain that envelope had gone out with the packages, but obviously not. “I’ve been busy and you know I’m a massive idiot when it comes to things like that. I blame my parents.”

“You can’t blame your parents for not renewing your own visa when you’re damn near thirty years old.”

I had actually been kidding. Of course I didn’t blame my parents. “What can I say, I’m a cock-up! I meant to. I filled out the application! But I get my head into work and I live it and breathe it, and I get surrounded by clothes and boxes and sales money dropping into my account and that is what happens. Not, you know, opening my mail.” I ripped open the one envelope that had apparently arrived earlier, though I wasn’t sure when. “It was a minor clerical error. To be fair, I thought I still had at least another month, which technically I do, so I wasn’t concerned that I hadn’t heard back yet. Haven’t you ever let your driver’s license expire?”

“Yes, but that only resulted in me being charged an extra fee when I went to get it. It didn’t get me bounced from the country.” He tossed the towel over his shoulder and leaned against the sink, crossing his ankles. He looked genuinely concerned. “What are you going to do?”

The greater issue over the expiration date was I doubted they’d grant me an extension at this point. More likely, I’d have to go back to the UK and apply for a new visitor visa. Unless Javier could save my behind.

“Ask you to marry me,” I said, already knowing what his answer would be. It was worth a shot though. “We’ve been living together for eighteen months. It would come across as very legitimate.”

His jaw dropped. Javier shook his head. “I have a girlfriend. I am not marrying you to fix your ‘minor clerical error.’ Shannon would kill me. Or worse, break up with me.”

“She’ll understand.” I knew it was a losing battle, but I was desperate.

“What woman would understand that?” He gaped at me. “I would have to publicly break up with her on all my social media because the Immigration office would want proof that you and I are an actual couple. And you think she’s just going to be cool with that? Are you nuts?” He opened the fridge. “I need a beer. No, sorry, I can’t do it. I would ruin my relationship with Shannon and in the long run the whole thing would fail.”

“Oh my God, you’re right. I’m sorry, I can’t expect you to save my ass.” I sagged against the wall. “What am I going to do?”

“Ask someone who hasn’t been in a recent relationship so you can fake one. What about your hookup tonight?” He drained half of his beer bottle. “You need to sort this shit out. I fucking cannot afford this apartment on my own and I don’t want two random-ass people moving in here with me.”

I frowned at him. “Glad to see you’re going to miss the rent money as opposed to say, me.”

“Don’t be tender. This is the real world, little girl. Of course I’ll miss you. Now find a solution.”

It was like a proverbial drink thrown in my face. Javi was right. I needed to find a solution. “You’re right. Sorry, I’m just freaking out. I don’t want you to ruin your relationship with Shannon.”

“Let’s come up with a list of candidates. Who was the client tonight? Is he single?”

“Are you daft? I fucked him! Of course he’s single.” I was scandalized. I was never one to play the cheat.

“Just checking. Does he look good on paper?”
