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After all the pieces of me had shattered and somehow reassembled themselves back into a whole human, I just leaned against the wall and tried to remember how to breathe. I wasn’t sure what it was about me and Michael but our chemistry was incredible. I’d never experienced anything like that, where a man could get me there so quickly with really no foreplay.

My hands were trembling as I eased off my tight grip on his ass. My legs were shaky. I was out of breath. And my whole body felt electric.

He had to practically peel me off the wall. My tit was still burst out of the top of my bra and my dress was bunched around my waist. Given I was still wearing my over-the-knee boots my toes were pinched forward in them, and my calves were burning. None of which mattered in the slightest.

“Holy fuck,” Felicia.” Michael rubbed his jaw with one hand and removed the condom with the other. “That was hot.”

“To say the least. I don’t think I can walk in these boots.” I felt like a narrow reed swaying in a breeze. My equilibrium had gone to hell.

Michael ran his eyes up and down the length of me. “You’re not taking them off. Not yet anyway. I absolutely one hundred percent plan to fuck you while you’re naked except for those boots.”

His words made a shiver run through me. I wasn’t going to object to that.

“So there’s only one thing to do.” He reached out and scooped me up into his arms.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Such a problem solver. I admire that about you.”

He kissed me. “One of these days your sarcasm is going to get you into trouble.”

“I feel like that day is today.”

“One hundred percent.” Michael carried me to the bedroom and deposited me on his bed.

Had I really told him we couldn’t have sex for a month? That seemed insane as I sat on the edge of the bed watching him strip fully out of his clothes.

But I had to stick to my demands because this was about stalling on my visa, not falling in love.

That was a hard concept to grasp when he stood in front of me fully naked, all hard muscles, and thick cock. He pulled me up off the bed and against him, covering my mouth with demanding kisses. He unzipped my dress and tugged it so it fell to the floor.

I’d been hopeful we would wind up back at his place so I’d chosen a black bra designed to give a boost to my cleavage. And no panties, as he’d already discovered. So it was easy for him to unhook the bra and get rid of it. Then I was in nothing but the very sexy boots. Paired with a designer dress, they were pretty smoking hot.

With nothing else on?

I felt like a porn star.

Michael clearly liked the look too. He swore and pushed me back down onto the bed.

Then he leaned in and stroked his thumbs on the spot right above where the boots ended a few inches above each knee. The soft brush of skin on skin in the cool room made me shiver. I felt deliciously exposed, raising my arms over my head, arching my back as he shifted his touch higher and higher up my thighs.

Michael’s lips followed the path of his thumbs and I shifted, restless, wanting more. But he skirted my inner thighs and went to my hip, then waist. By the time he reached my breasts, both hands teasing at each nipple, I was softly moaning.

“Michael,” I said, eyes drifting shut. “Please.”

His body was over mine, hard and masculine and heavy, and I wanted him. All of him.

I was startled when his fingers entwined in my hair and he tugged, hard. “Look at me.”

He sounded rough and dominating. I loved everything about it. Heat bloomed in my pussy and I wanted him so damn much. I stared up into his dark eyes. He had his gaze locked on me as he stroked over my clit and inside me, ensuring I was ready.

Then he lifted my leg onto his hip and replaced his finger with him. The full, thick, rock solid length of him.

I gave a soft cry of pleasure.

He rested, deep inside me, nostrils flaring. Then he started moving, a fast, driving pounding that had me resting the palms of my hands on the headboard as he drove me up the bed. I felt him everywhere, a commanding presence, a deep pleasure.

“How do you like being engaged?” he asked.
