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I shut the closet door in time to see Felicia nod. “Yes, thank you. It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs. Kincaid.”

“Oh, call me Gloria.”

My mother took Felicia by the arm and led her into the living room. They were just sitting down when my mother let out

a loud exclamation. “Is that an engagement ring? That’s an engagement ring! Michael, are you engaged?”

Well, fuck. I should have suggested Felicia leave the ring off so I could tell them first.

This could get messy.

My father was looking at me in astonishment. “You’re engaged?”

I nodded, walking into the living room. My parents had a very traditional apartment, stuffed with antiques. Felicia was perched on the end of a divan looking at me for help.

“Yes, we’re engaged,” I said. “I asked Felicia to be my wife and she said yes.”

My mother burst into tears.

Not exactly the response I was expecting.


I stared at Michael’s mother in alarm. Were those happy tears or was she having a meltdown over his alleged engagement? I looked to his brother, Sean, who was sitting back casually and sipping a drink. He just shrugged and looked a little smug.

Not wanting to make an enemy out of Sean even though he had accused me of being a psychopath, I gave him a polite smile and turned back to the melee. Given that Michael’s mother was hugging him, I took it as a good sign and stood up to receive congratulations. Funny we’d rehearsed our relationship details but hadn’t discussed whether I should wear the ring or not.

To be honest, I hadn’t taken it off since he’d given it to me three days earlier. I was in love with the ring. It was gorgeous and it represented possibilities. The possibility that we might actually wind up together after all this nonsense was over. I liked sitting around in that cloud of optimism. Maybe I wanted a relationship, marriage, more than I’d thought I did.

No, that was a lie. I had known I wanted both. I had just thought they weren’t going to happen for me. Nor could I allow myself to think that now.

“Come here,” Gloria said to me. “Give me a hug.”

I readily accepted her embrace and said, “I’m so thrilled you’re happy. I know you don’t know me, but I promise I’ll be a good wife for Michael. He’s an amazing man and I feel very lucky.” My friends weren’t the only ones with acting skills. I had taken a class or two back in the day when I had been modeling.

“That makes me so happy. I’d about given up on him ever getting married again. And you look young enough to have children. Do you want children?”

Sean let out a crack of laughter. “Jesus, Mom. She just walked in the door.”

Gloria was holding both of my hands in hers and she had a warm, firm grip. I could see she’d been genuinely worried about her son. I felt gutted seeing the pain in her eyes.

Stick as close to the truth as possible. That’s what Michael had told me.

“Yes, a family is part of the plan,” I assured her, because how could I not? That was the plan. Technically. If all the stars aligned and Michael and I didn’t hate each other in forty days. Thirty-seven, actually.

The number made my gut clench.

“Congratulations,” Bud said. “Let’s sit down and you can tell us everything.”

“Yes. Sean, open a bottle of champagne so we can celebrate.”

Sean rolled his eyes but he did stand and retreat into what I had to assume was the kitchen. The apartment wasn’t open concept. It had elegant crown molding and was decorated in a French provincial style. It reminded me of my grandparents’ house in the country. Very classy.

“So you’re from England? What part?” Gloria said, once we all sat down.

“London. Specifically Knightsbridge, if you’re familiar with London at all.”

“Yes. I studied there for a semester in college. Knightsbridge is a lovely neighborhood.”
