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“Yes, you can put your sweatshirt back on. Hurry, though, we haven’t got all night.”

That made me roll my eyes. Now she had a time frame on our fake photos? “Sure, babe. Whatever you say.”

I pulled my sweatshirt on and turned so Felicia could jump onto my back. Her jump was poorly timed and she just collided with my back. Then she couldn’t seem to get enough height to get up. I was bent over and she was just grappling at me and getting nowhere.

“What is going on back there?” I asked, amused.

“Stupid skinny jeans. I can’t get my legs apart.”

“I can get your legs apart.”

Linda laughed again. Linda was okay in my book.

“Don’t be gross. Just bend down lower.”

I was practically in a full squat but I obediently went lower. I was going to point out later what a good fucking sport I was. Felicia launched herself onto my back. Thank God she weighed next to nothing. I reached back and grabbed a hold of her thighs and hitched her higher up into place. Then I stood back up.

The last time I’d had a woman on my back was probably med school. I felt absolutely ridiculous. I also felt like I would do anything for Felicia. She was clinging to me and making little sounds of both distress and amusement. I liked the feel of her draped across my back, her hair falling over my shoulder.

Digging in my pocket, I got out my phone and handed it to Linda. She took a couple of pictures and returned it to me, without any annoying instructions on how to pose. Linda was going to get a tip from me because she was all right and being a good sport. “Thanks, Linda. Have a nice night.” I slipped her a twenty.

She kissed the twenty and gave us a wave. “I’m gonna try.”

I bounced Felicia up and down a little. “Are you getting down?”

“I’m debating. It’s kind of nice up here. Warmer and I don’t have to walk.”

“I’m not carrying you around the Village.” I had my limits. I let go of her legs.

She squawked and slid down off of me. “Spoilsport.”

Even as I dropped her back down onto the sidewalk I realized something. Felicia made me laugh. She made me willing to do silly things. She made me step aside from my career for hours at a time and I couldn’t even remember the last time that had been the case. My work was my life.

I’d been prepared to step back from my career to have a family, but now being around Felicia made it even easier than I’d been anticipating. I had thought it was going to be a true sacrifice, but now I had a totally different perspective.

It was a good realization.

I took her hand in mine. “A horrible spoilsport. Can we go home now since you’re cold? Are we done with creating a deception that I doubt anyone will believe?”

“Absolutely. My joggers are calling my name. I ate too much. The ice cream put me over the edge of gluttony.”

“Yet you ate a whole branzino the other night. I’m disappointed in you. Ice cream should be easy.”

She laughed. “I think you should brag about that in our interview. What’s something Felicia is great at?’ ‘She can eat a whole branzino in one sitting.’

“Oh, I’m totally going to mention that.”

“If that’s the top of the list of my talents, I need to reevaluate my life.”

I squeezed her hand. “Nah. It’s not even in the top ten of your talents.”

Felicia glanced over at me. She smiled.

I realized in that moment, that simple, ordinary moment of walking down the street holding hands, that I was already in love with her.

Well, fuck.

* * *
