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“Baby, this is my face. I cannot change the way I look. It is what it is.” Was my smile forced? Maybe. Beca

use I felt stupid posing like I was twenty-five. The whole thing felt forced.

“Let’s try something different,” the photographer said, coming closer to us. The woman probably wanted the same glass of bourbon I did. “Just take a walk together, talk, do what you normally do when you’re in the park. I’m going to follow you and see if I can get something more natural.”

For a second I thought Felicia was going to protest but then I gave her my forced smile to demonstrate how much she thought I sucked at it and she relented. “It’s worth a go. These clearly aren’t working.”

I took her hand and kissed the back of her knuckles. “Thank you. I’m a surgeon, not a model. That’s your arena.” That actually gave me an idea. “Hey, Agatha, would you mind taking a few shots of just Felicia? I think a few minutes watching her would really help me.”

Felicia gave me a dirty look. “Why would there be pictures of just me for an engagement shoot? I’m not marrying myself.”

“Just indulge me.” I wanted to see her do her thing. Or her former thing, anyway. “You can pose so the ring is visible.”

“Whatever you want to do is fine with me,” Agatha said.

She sounded bored. She was also like twelve. She reeked of youthful arrogance. I wondered if I had been like that in my twenties. Probably.

“Fine. Point out where you want me to stand, Agatha,” Felicia said.

They had a few minutes’ discussion, heads huddled. Then Felicia moved in front of a large rock and pushed her hair back and tilted her head toward the wind so her hair would move behind her. She took one hand and gripped the opposite wrist as she slightly turned her body. Her lips parted and she gave a sultry mysterious stare. It stunned me how easy it was for her. I’d seen some of her runway shots and of course, for her clothing sales, but seeing her outside, just shifting and turning easily, naturally, it made me aware of how absolutely gorgeous she was and in tune with her own body.

She raised her hand and pulled her hair, pulling it over her chin, in a move to display the ring but that was also super sensual.

I realized there was so damn much I still didn’t know about Felicia. We were at the beginning, and while we were rushing it with the engagement, I didn’t want to rush it any further than that. We could get married when the fiancée visa was going to expire but maybe I didn’t need to push her to have a baby right away. Maybe it would be smart to just spend some time together, as a couple. Who cared if I was a year older when a family happened? I wanted the pleasure of learning everything I could about my fiancée.

Felicia climbed onto the rock. In heels. Damn. She perched on it in a way that was fierce and sexy. She was wearing a sweater and jeans but still, the three-inch boots should have made her pose impossible. Everything about it was so fucking hot that I decided I could join her. I walked over and found a foot hold in the rock and climbed up beside her.

She gave me a very naughty and pleased look.

I cupped her cheek and kissed her.

She kissed me back, passionately.

The rock was cold and uncomfortable, but I pulled back and stared into her blue eyes. My hand slipped down over her hip. I could never get close enough to her. “You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever met.”

She gave me a smile. “Flattery will get you everywhere. In January.”

“Is it January yet?”

“No. But it’s only fifteen days away.”

“I’m going to make you scream my name, sweetheart. And I can’t wait.”

Her lips parted on a small gasp.

“I think I’ve got some good stuff,” Agatha called. “Though this may be the first engagement shoot where I feel like I could get pregnant from watching. Phew. Hot stuff.”

That broke the mood. Felicia laughed.

I helped her down off the rock and took her hand and kissed it. “Maybe we can find somewhere between me being super awkward and us eye fucking each other. Otherwise we’re going to have some explaining to do to friends and family.”

“I’m certainly up for that. We can find an in-between, I believe in us.”

“As soon as we’re done here I want a bourbon. A big one.”

“I want a big one too but we can’t always get what we want.” She bit her bottom lip and raised her eyebrows up and down.

That made me groan. She was just evil. Amazing. Intelligent. Sexy as hell.
