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I forged ahead. “Then someone comes along who changes everything and that’s what happened with Sean.”

The man himself was walking closer to me. His expression was serious. I kept rolling.

“When I first met him, I thought he was an arrogant jerk, and he thought even less of me, but then we started working together and I realized that he’s funny, fair, compassionate, and intelligent. And I fell completely in love with him.” I locked eyes with Sean.

His eyebrows were raised and he had his arms crossed over his muscular chest. He didn’t look like a man bowled over by my declaration. Maybe he was still mad at me.

The back of my neck was sweating and I was pretty sure I had an irregular heartbeat that might require medical attention. My breathing was shallow. “It doesn’t matter who wins the cook-off today because I have already won the biggest award– his love.”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Sean said, taking two long strides. He jumped up onto the stage and took the mic from me. He tossed it in the direction of the judges, who were wide-eyed and looking confused. He brushed my hair back. “I can’t let you do this.”

“Do what?” I whisp

ered, feeling like I might blackout. There were spots dancing in front of my eyes. Most of the attendees weren’t paying attention at all, but there was an older couple standing there watching and the judges and event emcee. That was six more people than I cared to have staring at me.

“Do something that isn’t you. I appreciate the gesture, and trust me, one day when we have children we can tell them this story and make it sound really romantic, but right now I’m saving you.”

Have children? He was forgiving me. Oh, thank God. I relaxed my shoulders. “Hey. It was really romantic, you jerk-off. I was trying to apologize and tell you I love you.”

Sean grinned. “That’s more like it.” He cupped my cheeks with his calloused palms. “I love you, too. I’m going to get you off this stage, then I’m going to kiss you.”

“My hero.” I actually meant it. My knees felt weak from confessing my feelings in public.

Sean shocked me by lifting me up into his arms. I screamed, then laughed. “Oh, you just had to one-up me, didn’t you?”

“Absolutely.” He gave me a sly smile as he carried me down the stairs. “We can spend the whole night tonight trying to outdo each other.” He winked. “Think about it.”

“Oh, I see the potential.” I wrapped my arms around my neck as he set me on the ground.

Sean gave me a toe-curling kiss.

Savannah started cheering. Her clapping had Sully imitating her. I grinned. Dakota was doing a fist pump. Gus was shaking his head in approval.

Nico appeared, looking angry.

“Well, that was an intriguing prelude to our winners’ announcement,” the female judge said, standing up. “And coincidentally, Bone is this year’s winner for best barbecue.”

Someone swore across the way. I saw Martin shaking his head in disgust.

“Congratulations to executive chef Sean Kincaid and his enthusiastic sous chef, Isla Kowalski.”

Enthusiastic sous chef? I was too happy to even be angry.

But Sean tilted his head. “Okay, my turn.” He vaulted back up onto the stage. “Excuse me, but I need to correct you. Isla Kowalski isn’t my sous chef. We’re both executive chefs. I couldn’t have done this without her and her amazing talent with wood.”

The judges looked at him like he was insane. “Sure, of course, thank you, Chef.”

Savannah grabbed my arm. “That was so romantic!”

I grinned. No, it wasn’t. But it was one hundred percent us. “Totally.” I took the stairs to the platform. “Thank you, Chef. But all the props truly go to you.” I turned back to the judges. “Chef Kincaid is brilliant with textures and flavors. He can coax moisture from the very toughest meats.”

Sean coughed. “Thank you, Chef.”

The male judge looked like he was contemplating getting a giant hook and pulling us off the stage.

Nico looked like he could chew glass. He became the hook with zero hesitation.

Before we could continue he came up on stage and ripped the mic out of Sean’s hand. He thanked the judges then gave us both a very encouraging nudge to get off the stage.
