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You could do worse, a smug little voice in my mind quips, because he is cute. And anyway, what’s the harm in flirting with a handsome guy?

Not like there’s anyone else in my life. I’m eighteen, but I’ve never had a boyfriend. Not unless you count Cameron when we were eight, who drew hearts on my notebooks and held my hand during break.

And how sad is it that I think that’s the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me?

Sad, Octavia. Real sad and embarrassing.

“Waiting for someone? A boyfriend?” He looks at the street as if expecting a car to arrive and a guy to come and sweep me off my feet.

Wait, is he a mind reader?

No, Tati. A guy flirting with you would be interested in knowing about any competition.

Ah. There’s none.

“I’m just waiting for my sister to stop hogging the bathroom.” I wave vaguely at the house behind me. “It’s too warm to wait inside.”

“Yeah.” He rocks on his heels. “Definitely cooler out here.”

He’s well-dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a gray T-shirt that fits him perfectly. Good quality clothes, and a pair of shiny new black loafers, that somehow don’t look too nerdy or over the top, but classy.

Yeah, he sure is handsome, and it feels good to be hit on by him. Besides, let’s face it, Matt Hansen’s cold and generally rude behavior hasn’t helped my shaky confidence any.

It occurs to me it’s my turn to say something, to keep the conversation going, but for some reason now all I can think of is Matt Hansen, his strong arm around my waist, preventing me from falling on my face inside the drugstore, and my heart trips.

“Well, I’ll be going, then,” he says, and I glance up, not realizing I’d looked away. He’s smiling, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Leave you to your thoughts.”

“No, I…” Crap, why am I wasting the chance to talk with a hot guy who is being so nice to me? “I’m sorry. It was great meeting you.”

His eyes flash. He takes the path in two strides and lifts my hand to his mouth. “Pleasure is all mine,” he purrs and brushes his lips over my overheated skin.

My mouth falls open. Nobody has ever done this to me before. It’s like a scene right out of a movie.

And again I have no words.

“My name’s Adam. Adam Cash. At your service.”

Charming. That’s what he is. Very charming. He could seem ridiculous, or pretentious doing this stuff, but I can’t help a smile.

He does look a bit smug as he releases my hand and steps back, but I guess he’s earned it. I’m still smiling when he waves and walks down the street, in the direction of the ho

use he pointed out before.

And then I jerk when Gigi says from behind me, “Who’s that hunk?”

Chapter Five


When I skipped town with my kids, I didn’t factor in the sad fact I can’t cook to save my life. Didn’t factor anything in, in fact. Didn’t think. Couldn’t. I just had to go.

In any case, we made it this far, and I’ll be damned before I let us die of starvation. I took stock of the situation on the first day, and made a sort of plan. It wasn’t a complicated one.

My cooking skills being close to nil, I thought I’d rely on takeout and delivery. Loads of people do that, right?

Only problem with choosing a town based on its small size and lack of fame is that there are no takeout or delivery places except for the pizzeria, and we’ve already had pizza four times this week.

Good thing is that Cole doesn’t seem fed up with it yet. However, Mary has already declared she can’t see another slice of it ever in her life.
