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Those words were music to my ears. Thank goodness this isn’t going to be a kinky party. I start to feel a little more relaxed and he senses my ease.

“Now listen, come on through, there’s a reason why the four of us are together,” he looks into my eyes and pulls of strands of hair that’s stuck to my tear stained cheek.

“I must look awful now,” I say, trying to straighten myself up and feeling conscious of my tears.

“You look as beautiful as always,” he says, smiling back at me. He always did make me feel good and he still does. “Go into the bathroom if it makes you feel better, clean your face up and I’ll go pour you a glass of wine. Is it a deal?”

I nod and open the bathroom door. As I shut it I think to myself that I could just open this door and run down the corridor and out the front. He’d understand. I could apologize at work, though I do think that’d be the end of my relationship with him. Did I really want this relationship?

Hell, yes, I did.

As I enter the room, Matthew approaches me with the promised glass of wine.

“Here, Leah, this is for you,” he says, handing it to me. “Now come over here and meet Rachel, because she’s dying to meet you.”

He stays right by my side as we head towards the table. I smile at her and she reaches out a hand to shake, which I find unusual in a woman.

“Leah,” she says in a light, delicate English voice. “Nico has told me all about you. I’m so pleased to meet the girl that Matthew has fallen in love with. I honestly thought it would never happen.”

I think about her words, fallen in love with, she means me.

“Hi, Rachel,” I say timidly, still so unsure on what to expect at this table, besides Nico’s good cooking.

Nico brings over some food for the table and gives me a hug.

“Rachel and I have been together for many years,” he tells me, as he joins us at the table. “Matthew is so serious about you that we thought it best to explain everything.”

I remain quiet, feeling like the alien in this little group.

“Okay,” Matthew speaks up. “Nico and I met first at university, and we became great friends, as you know. Then he met Rachel, and, like with you, we invited her into our love making, so we could share our friendship.”

I nod at him as if I understand, but really I don’t. Surely this could only lead to tears in such a relationship, but yet they do seem happy with their arrangement, could I ever be happy with it?

Matthew must have noticed the doubt in my face, so he tries and explains further.

“We have one major rule though, Leah,” he tells me, “in our lovemaking, we are not allowed to actually penetrate each other’s partner. This way it puts no pressure on the women in our lives, that is assuming they have accepted our unusual situation.”

That all explained, I start to relax a little and enjoy Nico’s amazing cooking, this guy really has some talent and I’m not surprised he has his own restaurant. I even manage to start up a conversation with Rachel.

“I love these guys,” Rachel says, in response to my questions about Nico and Matthew. “They thought of everything. I still feel that I’m in a normal relationship with Nico. We’ve had group sex, but Nico is the only one who ever makes love to me.”

I think I must have blushed because I suddenly feel very hot under the collar, so to speak. Matthew, who is seated next to me, reaches out to take a hold of shaking hand.

“I hope you will stay with me,” he says, his eyes pleading. “I couldn’t talk about this at the office, and I’ve been churning over how to tell you about it all. I will understand if it’s not for you, Leah, but you and I go way back, we haven’t just met. I loved you then, and I still love you now.”

“I don’t think he’ll let you go without a fight,” Nico tells me, smiling. “Matthew and me, well, we didn’t set out to have a sexual relationship. It happened, over time. We’ve tried going our separate ways, but both of us were miserable. I met Rachel during that time and she helped me through. She also understood when Matthew and I got back together. As much as I love Matthew, he aint getting my girl though,” he finished,and fortunately this comment was taken light heartedly and the group laughed.

The dinner went well and I really liked Rachel, we had so much in common, and not just our unusual relationships. We ate good food, drank plenty of wine, and told plenty of funny stories. If there was an outsider looking in, they wouldn’t think there was anything unusual about this dinner party. No one could have guessed our guilty little secrets.

They offered for me to spend the night but I decided to go home, even though I thought the world of these guys, I didn't think I was quite ready yet for another sexual adventure. I needed a little more time to take everything in.

Matthew ordered me a taxi and I left for home about midnight, leaving the three of them, and I wondered if they would all be sleeping together tonight?

After Note:

So that’s my story about my strange relationship with my ex boyfriend, his male lover, and his lover’s girlfriend. I love Matthew, and I also love Nico, but of course not the same as I love my lover, Matthew. I know it’s a strange relationship. I suppose I feel like Rachel does, I don’t want to lose my man, so I’ll put with his little whims. It is clear that Matthew and Nico have a meaningful relationship and are not yet ready to part. I think they will do, in time, maybe not permanently, maybe they’ll still sleep together on the odd occasion, but if Rachel and I are the right girls, then these lads are hooked. Both of them will make wonderful fathers, that will be a test for us all, just as being a parent is for anyone.

