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My stomach drops. It would seem she heard everything. I give Landon a wide-eyed glance. He shrugs and gives me the same expression and mouths the word sorry.

“No one is going to take you away,” I say, trying to reassure Audrey.

Landon closes the distance and rubs her back. “Don’t worry, little lady. We won’t let it happen.”

“But you need to marry, right? That’s what Uncle Landon said. And I heard Uncle Dillon say it too.”

Sometimes we all forget that just because Audrey’s ears are little, doesn’t mean they hear any less. In fact, I think she might have super hearing. “Your uncles talk too much.”

She pets her unicorn absently. “But you love Malia, right?”

“Yeah, baby. I do.”

She tilts her head. “And she loves you?”

I nod. “Yes, I believe she does.”

A smile lights up her face. “Good! Then you can marry, and she can be my mommy.” Audrey leans forward like she’s telling me a secret. “I love her too, Daddy.”

My heart aches at her words. I want to give her everything, but it’s not that simple. I wonder if I made a mistake allowing Malia into Audrey’s life so soon. If Malia decides that someone more like Trey Wentworth is better for her career, someone else who fits her lifestyle better than us, then Audrey will be crushed. “The thing is, marriage is serious, and it’s not something that two people should rush into, even when they love each other. So, when, and if, I ask Malia to marry me, it’ll be right. We’ll be sure it’s going to be for forever. Does that make sense?”

She smiles. “I guess so. But adults make easy things too hard.”

“You’re probably right.” I set her down. “How about some breakfast?” I want to change the subject as quickly as possible. “I think Uncle Preston got some lucky charms for you.”

I pour her the cereal and hope that she forgets the conversation.

Chapter Twenty-One


I head to Santiago’s in a floral dress with a lightweight cardigan over it. I used to love eating at Santiago’s. In fact, the first official date Jaxon and I went on was there. I smile at the memory, thinking about the first kiss we had and how cute he was when he was trying to impress me. And then how surprised I was when he did. He met my challenge from the first time we met. A light breeze ruffles my skirt. It’s surprisingly warm for fall, a beautiful day with fluffy scattered clouds. I smile at the people I pass. I don’t recognize anyone, but a few certainly recognize me.

When I reach the restaurant, I see Jax and Audrey at the top of the small set of stairs leading to the restaurant. They’re playing thumb war. Their laughter rings out like a melody of happiness. My cowboy and his little girl. Jax looks as sexy as ever in a button-down flannel shirt, Wranglers that beautifully hug his bum, and a black cowboy hat and boots. Audrey’s feminine floral dress is the perfect contrast to Jax’s rugged look. My heart fills with love watching the two of them. I laugh when Audrey bonks Jax on the nose to distract him before pinning his thumb down with both hands.

They spot me. Audrey skips down the steps and jumps in my arms. The excitement on her face makes me feel like coming home. She gives me a huge hug. “I missed you,” she says.

“I missed you too,” I say.

Jaxon closes the distance and gives me a kiss. “I’ll go see if they have our table ready.”

“Okay.” He walks into the restaurant. I set Audrey down and we climb the steps.

She holds her hand up to her mouth and whispers loudly, “I have a secret to tell you.”

“Oh, do you? I happen to love secrets.”

She signals me to come closer. I crouch down until I’m at her level. “I love you,” she whispers.

I smile, feeling my heart somehow grow. “I love you, too,” I whisper back. And I do. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier or felt more complete than this moment right now.

A woman walking by smiles at us. “You have a beautiful family,” she says.

I’m about to correct her, but then I look at Audrey and return the woman’s smile. “Thank you.”

Jax pokes his head out the door and signals us. “It’s ready.”

We follow him in. The waitress, a girl about seventeen with short blonde hair and a nose ring, leads us to our table. The restaurant looks exactly the same as it did before: a narrow dining room, bright colors everywhere, and brick walls and windows on one side. She seats us at the same table we had on our first date: right in front of a window. The waitress places a basket of tortilla chips and bowl of salsa on our table.
