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He pulls his hand from mine and tucks it into his pockets. “You said when you got through the audition the lies would be over. Now it’s the movie? What am I going to have to do next? Hold a bouquet for you at your fake wedding? When will it end?”

“It’s just a little deception,” Trey says, “just for the public eye. But then you, my man, get to take her home at night.” He raises his brows two times to emphasize his meaning, and I cringe again.

“That’s lying,” Audrey says, crossing her arms over her chest. “And lying is wrong. Everyone knows that.”

My heart sinks at her words.

“From the mouth of babes,” Jax says. “Yes, baby girl. It is wrong.” He reaches out and takes Audrey’s hand before turning back to face me. “You do what you have to do, Malia. I’m taking Audrey home.” And with that he walks away.

JulieAnn peers after him. “Oh, I like him.” She gestures to Jax with her cigarette. “Such dramatic effect . . . and those eyes, those muscles, that dimple. Can you get me a headshot? I could get him jobs within the week.”

I fight off the tears that threaten to come. “That man will never step foot in Hollywood,” I say.

She finally pulls her eyes away from him. “Pity.”

“So, are we going to do this or what?” Trey asks. He’s practically pacing the sidewalk. “I really need to get back. I’ve had enough of small-town charm for a lifetime.”

I turn to him and JulieAnn and lift my chin. “We’ll do this after I sign a contract for the role in the movie, not before.” I’m not about to sell my soul without knowing I’m getting my end of the bargain.

Trey abruptly stops and throws up his hands. “So, I just came here and got manhandled for nothing?”

JulieAnn must see that I’m on the edge because she doesn’t argue. “Well, we’ll have plenty of time for that later, I suppose. Let’s head back to Tucson, darlings. I already have a private jet booked to take us home. And once you sign the contract, we’ll move on to the next step.”

I tell myself that this is good news. Starring next to Trey in a Harry Wilson film is what I wanted all along. But it doesn’t feel that way. Still, what else can I do? Follow after Jax and throw away my career? “I have to go home and pack. I’ll meet you at the coffee shop in a half hour.”

I’m packed for California, but I’m driving to Jax’s. I told JulieAnn I’d meet them at the airport instead of the coffee shop to get more time. I can’t leave town without seeing him. Not after the way we left things. I turn off the highway and drive through the Wyle Away Ranch gates. My car tires crunch over the gravel driveway. Today was going so well until JulieAnn and Trey showed up. I just need to get Jax to understand how my world works. He loves me, so I’m sure he’ll look past the ugly parts of my career. And besides, it won’t be like this forever.

I pull up in front of the house. The wind has picked up, and big dark clouds are rolling in from the East, covering the sun and casting a shade of grey over the ranch. Hopefully, Jax has cooled off. One thing I’ve learned with Jax is that he just needs a little time after he gets mad, and then he’s much more reasonable. I make my way to the house and climb up the stairs to the porch. As I reach the top, Jaxon opens the front door and walks out to meet me. His face is serious, and his posture is bent forward as if in exhaustion. This is so much worse than him being mad. He looks sad, defeated. A knot of unease settles in the pit of my stomach.


His eyes look away before he drags his gaze back to me. “Are you going to California with Trey and JulieAnn?”

“Well, yeah. I have the audition tomorrow. I just stopped by on my way to the airport.” His shoulders droop at my words. I know this is hard for him. I reach out to take his hand.

“I can’t do this anymore,” he blurts.

I snatch my hand back like I’d burned it. “What are you talking about?” He can’t be dumping me again. Not over a kiss that didn’t happen. “Because of Trey?”

He lets out a huff of disbelief. “Because of your lifestyle of lies and deceit. It’s not something I can be a part of or ignore from the sidelines. Not when it spills into our real lives.”

I blink at him. I feel off center, like trying to walk in six-inch heels on a rocking yacht. “I’m not asking you to ignore it. Just let me get through this one movie, and then Trey will be out of our life for good.”

His chin dips. “So, we just put us on hold until then? You’re willing to sacrifice our relationship for your career?” He examines me and his brows crease. “Can you honestly say you like living your life with all these lies? And for what? A role in a movie?”

He says it so dismissively, like my life’s work isn’t important. As if it’s just frivolous. I take a step backward. I feel as though he’s slapped me. “How dare you. I’ve worked my tail off to get to this point in my career. And this role will slingshot me forward so that I can get any role I want. I thought you said you could handle my Hollywood obligations.”

His voice drops. “This isn’t just about a job anymore. That role you want so badly is controlling your life. I can handle you being an actress. I can handle the paparazzi. I can handle the long distance while you work on movie sets. But what I can’t handle is telling my daughter that lies and deceit are wrong, just for her to see us living them. I refuse to forfeit my integrity. It’s not right Malia, and you know it.”

Pain and anger war in my mind, each one trying to win the duel. “So what? I’m supposed to give up on everything I’ve worked for the past eight years because you want to be judgmental of something you don’t understand.”

He looks at me with fire in his eyes. “Judgmental? No. You’ve just been around selfish people for so long that you’ve lost sight of what really matters. I don’t expect you to give up on your career, but I am saying that this is not working—not this way, not with me.” He drags his hands through his hair. “Who knows, maybe it was never meant to.”

Thunder cracks overhead and the first drops begin to fall.

My hair whips angrily in the wind. “Are you serious?” My voice hitches, my throat feels tight, and my nose burns. “You’re just going dump me—again?”

His brows scrunch in pain. He lifts his palms, spreading his fingers. “T
