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“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“They found Audrey,” I say. “I should get there on time to make the audition.”

“Of course, they did—see, they didn’t need you after all. Now you can get your head in the right mindset. Eye on the prize. Time to do what you must to get that role. All you need to do is sign the contract, which I’ve already reviewed, and then you’ll be a movie star, darling.”

“Yeah, okay.”

“Kisses.” She hangs up, and I direct the car back into traffic. The problem is, I don’t think being a movie star is the prize I want anymore.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I’m riding back to the house with Audrey sitting in front of me on Copper. Landon and Dillon have caught up to us on their horses.

“Audrey,” I say. “You know you can’t just leave like that. You had us all worried half to death. Me especially. It’s dangerous out here at night.”

“I was on a mission, Dad,” she says matter-of-factly, bobbing her head so that her pigtails swing.

I note that she’s talking to me again, but I don’t comment in case she realizes it and stops again. “A mission, huh?”

“Yeah, it was up to me to get Malia to come back, since you’re not doing anything.” Then her voice lowers. “I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”

My heart clenches at the sadness in her voice. I’m a fool. All this time I’ve been trying to protect Audrey, but then I never really took her feelings into consideration. “So, you made a wish on the wishing tree, did ya?”

She smiles, her mood lightening. “Yup.”

“You almost got your wish. Malia was rushing back when she found out you were missing. She sure loves you, you know.”

“So,” Landon says. “She was going to ditch that audition?” He gives me a thoughtful, knowing look. “Interesting, that is. Weren’t you just saying that you wanted someone who will put Audrey first?”

It is interesting. Malia was willing to give up her chance at being in that film so she could come and help us look for Audrey. I was so worried about her putting her career ahead of us that I made the decision for her. And even after I ended things, she chose us over the audition. She didn’t even hesitate. Her first instinct was family . . . Audrey.

My hands tighten on the reins. “I’ve made a mistake.”

Dillon nods in agreement. “That you have.”

Audrey smiles triumphantly.

Landon looks a bit too smug on his horse when he says, “So what are you going to do about it?”

I have to mend things with Malia before it’s too late. I look to Landon, and then to Dillon, who seem to be waiting.

“I’m going to need your help,” I say. “I have to get my girl back.”

“You think she’ll take you back?” Dillon asks.

I tilt my head and give a winning Jaxon smile. “You forget who you’re talking to.”

“I knew the wishing tree wouldn’t let me down!” Audrey whoops, and my brothers laugh.

I hope my confident words aren’t just foolish bravado. Just because Malia helped me find Audrey doesn’t mean she’ll come back to us.

“I’ll get the plane ready,” Dillon says.

My stomach drops. “Our plane?” I get severe motion sickness from flying in our small crop duster.

He smiles at me. “It’s the fastest way to get there.”
