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More Books by Ted Evans…

Book 1 in the Love Me Again Series.

One Last Time

Timing was never on our side…

He was my first love back in college.

I thought that he would propose, that he wanted me to be his forever.

But he didn’t and I turned my back on him and moved on.

Six years later and he sees me in a wedding dress.

He thinks that finally, I’ve got the one thing that I’ve always wanted....marriage.

I want to be his bride, and only his forever.

I’m pretending to be a fake bride.

Wondering if maybe just maybe he’ll want us to be together forever, one last time.

Author's Note:

This is a standalone novel, with no cheating and a happy ever after romance story.

Chapter One


A loud ring interrupted my sleep, but I closed my eyes and ignored it, rolling over in bed and pulling my covers on top of my head. I wasn’t ready to wake up yet and I had time off from work, so I intended to at least sleep in. But the loud ringing didn’t stop, and I groaned.

“Go away already! It’s too damn early…”

Finally, the ringing stopped. I was just about to settle back in, when I heard a door slam open, and a loud voice called out.

“Chief! Hey, chief! You better not still be in bed or I will beat your ass black and blue!”

At the sound of the voice, I could only wake up. Pushing myself so I was sitting up in bed, I rubbed my eyes and yawned. A moment later, my bedroom door was opening, and my friend, Nora, stepped inside. She had a heavy scowl on her face as she stood there with arms on her hips.

“Brooklyn! Don’t be lazy today of all days! If I’d known you would be like this, I would have made you stay with me! I’ve been waiting for an hour already.”

I narrowed my eyes at her and grumbled, “Noisy. This is why I didn’t want to stay with you in the first place, okay? You’re so damn annoying when you’re excited. What time is it?”

“It’s almost eight in the morning,” Nora said with a huff, folding her arms over her chest.

My eyes widened. “Wait, really?” I looked around the room, then saw my cell on the nightstand to the right. I picked it up, and sure enough, it was eight minutes to eight. “What do you mean you’ve been waiting on me for an hour? Just how early did you even wake up…?”

The soft, fluffy bed was calling to me, but seeing Nora standing there eyeing me like she was ready to toss me out of it, I reluctantly got up. I pushed off the sheets and slid my legs off the side, standing up and wobbling over to the bathroom. I was staying in my friend’s apartment for free, much to the annoyance of Nora who wanted me to stay with her.

“We’ve got our appointment at nine thirty, Brooklyn. We absolutely can't be late, okay? Do you know how difficult it was to even get that appointment?”

I shot a dark look at her over my shoulder. “It’s not like it’s that far, Nora. And besides, there’s nothing wrong with you going ahead and calling me to come after. You don’t actually need me to hold your hand…”

“Of course, I do. Why else would I have had you come here? Because we’re friends?”

Her face was full of derision, but I just rolled my eyes and didn’t take her seriously.
