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‘Kirsty’s given permission for the police to look at her laptop, the new one that she uses now, and all her emails will be on there. They have forensic IT capabilities and if there’s any information to be had, they’ll get it. In the meantime, they’ve put out a warning.’

‘Wait,’ Sam broke in. ‘A warning?’

‘There’s a particularly dangerous batch of cocaine on the streets. In this situation the police and drugs agencies issue warnings.’

Jamie snorted. ‘Yeah. Don’t take cocaine, but if you absolutely have to, don’t take that cocaine.’

‘It’s the best we can do for now, Jamie. We’re just trying to keep people alive. Give yourself a break and let me deal with the rest. I’ll keep you informed.’

Euan held his hand out to Jamie, and they shook on the deal. Sam gave a satisfied nod, shot them both a look that promised deep trouble if either of them went back on the agreement and excused herself.

‘She’s scary when she wants to be.’ Jamie was staring after her with undisguised admiration.

‘Yeah. Tell me about it.’


SAM GOT THE key for the staff lavatory from Liz, and locked herself inside. Filling the small handbasin, she splashed her face with cold water.

She was shaking. She’d resolved to keep her own counsel, be an observer. Blend into the walls. But the atmosphere here, where everyone seemed to say whatever was on their mind, was infectious. She was going to have to be more circumspect in future.

She stared at herself in the mirror. This was a world of grey areas, of if and maybe and we just have to do our best.

Not at all what she’d expected and it was getting to her. She just needed to take a step back. That’s if Euan didn’t invoke one of his mysterious rules and ban her from the place altogether.

Sam pulled a towel from the dispenser and scrubbed her face with it. She’d wanted this. She might have bitten off more than she could chew, but she’d make it work. A dash of lipstick, and she’d be able to face the world, Euan included.

‘Sam! Euan’s been looking for you.’ Liz looked up as Sam put the key back onto the reception desk in front of her. ‘If you hurry, you’ll catch him.’

‘What’s the rush?’ Sam had just been doing breathing exercises in front of the mirror to calm herself and it seemed a bit of a shame to ruin it all now.

‘There’s been a call from the police. They want Euan to check on someone...’

‘He works for the police?’ Was this yet another responsibility that Euan had forgotten to tell her about?

‘Occasionally. Usually when there are drugs involved.’ Liz flapped her hands at Sam. ‘Don’t just stand there...’

Euan was already behind the wheel of his car when the street door of the clinic slammed behind her, and he leaned across, opening the passenger door for her. ‘Are you up for this?’

‘Yes.’ She climbed into the car. ‘I’m sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have intervened between you and Jamie.’

He looked at her as if he didn’t know what she was talking about. ‘I thought it was a very helpful addition to the discussion.’

‘Right. Well, it won’t happen again.’

He shrugged. ‘If you say so.’

She stuck close to Euan as he strode into the police station. ‘She’s with me.’ He didn’t stop to go into details with the officer at the desk, and the buzz of a door-release mechanism sounded.

A policewoman met them on the other side, smiling at Euan. ‘Thanks for coming.’

‘Glad to help. Sam...this is PC Lisa Burroughs.’ He waved his hand in a hurried introduction as they walked. ‘Sam’s working with the charity.’

Lisa scrutinised her for a moment and then nodded briefly before turning her attention back to Euan. ‘This guy’s new on our patch, no one’s seen him before, and he’s pretty much non-responsive. He was arrested, but he’s being released now. We can’t tell what’s up with him—drugs or some kind of mental problem. He’s in quite a bad state and I’d like you to take a look at him. It would be good if we could get him the appropriate help.’

Lisa showed them into an interview room. A man was sitting, hunched over the table. He was dirty, and even though the day was warm, he seemed to be wearing many layers of clothes.

Euan dumped his bag by the door with a glance at Sam that told her to stay there. He approached the man and pulled a chair up to sit down opposite him.
