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‘You’re not on the schedule. You’re just generally making yourself usefu

l. Rabble-rousing and so on.’ David winked at Sam. ‘I believe in getting everyone to do what they’re best at.’

‘Thanks for that. Do I get anyone to help me? Sam’s not doing anything...’

‘Sam’s on photography.’

‘Yes, I’ve an idea for your website,’ she explained. ‘An area where we can have photos and stream video...’

Euan was wearing the bemused look that always accompanied anything vaguely technical. He should stick with rabble-rousing, he was much better at that. ‘I’ll show it to you when it’s finished. You’ll like it.’

‘I’m sure I will.’ There was the hint of a quirk to his lips, a shadow in his eyes of the look he’d given her when he’d kissed her. Then it was gone.

David was consulting yet another list. ‘Sam, when you need them, the cameras are in the blue bag in the office. I’m just off to help Sandra with the tea, it’s about time everyone had something to drink.’ David was on the move again, making for the kitchen in search of his wife.

‘Do you think he wants a hand?’ Tea for this many people sounded like a mammoth task.

‘He’ll have it under control. This is the kind of thing that David does best. I keep out of his way, and try not to throw too many spanners in the works when he’s in this kind of mood.’

‘Probably best.’ Euan’s free spirit, his approach to any given problem couldn’t be contained on a clipboard. ‘Have you got the key to the office? I took the lock off the latch when Juno and I were finished in there.’

Euan’s gaze had already wandered to the front door, where Jamie was trying to shepherd through a couple of men with bulky boxes. ‘Hey, Jamie. There’s a trolley right there. We can wheel those around the side of the house...’ He pulled a bunch of keys from his pocket, dropped them into her hand and strode towards Jamie, leaving Sam to guess which key fitted the door to the office.

* * *

Two days. Sam had captured it all on camera, the volunteers at work, the regular supplies of food that came from the kitchen, the smiles and the catastrophes. At the end of each day a group photo, and on Sunday afternoon the finished rooms. Finally, she videoed as everyone crowded into the community room and Juno placed her glass phoenix in the alcove that had been reserved for it, to a roar of cheering and applause.

‘Did you get a chance to look around the summer house?’ Euan joined her on the veranda as the last of the cars scrunched out of the drive.

‘Not yet. I got pictures of the frame going up and everyone working on it, but I haven’t seen the inside yet.’ She turned to Euan. The light in his eyes seemed to reflect her own feeling of exhilaration. ‘Thank you. I can’t remember when I’ve had such fun.’

‘We should be thanking you.’ Sam had noticed that David and Euan had made sure to thank each volunteer personally. She supposed it was her turn now.

His arm snaked around her waist, and he bent to kiss her cheek. Not so different from the kisses that he’d exchanged with Juno and some of the other volunteers, only with them he hadn’t lingered quite so long.

‘You want to stroll down there? Take some photos of what it looks like now it’s complete? I need to go round and make sure everything’s locked up, there’s been a spate of burglaries in the area.’

‘That would be nice.’

His hand brushed against hers as they walked. Talking about the day, laughing together. ‘It looks bigger now it’s finished.’ She nodded towards the summer house.

‘Yeah. It’s insulated, so we can use it during the spring and autumn, even in winter if we can get some heating in there. It was donated to us.’

‘Really? That was generous of someone.’

‘It was a local manufacturer. It’s an old design and the wood’s not been properly treated. They were going to scrap it, but David said that we’d give it a good home here. Apparently a few of tins of wood preservative and a brush are all we need.’

‘How does he do it?’

Euan chuckled. ‘Goodness only knows. Without him the charity would grind to a halt.’

‘Without either of you. You two make a great team.’

He led her round to the far side of the summer house, where timber steps led up to a small deck with sliding glass doors leading inside the structure. ‘Wow, this is smart. I must have some pictures of this...’

Euan sat down on the steps, turning his face to the late afternoon sun. Immediately at ease with the world. He was like a large cat, stretched out and purring in front of the fire. Somehow it was impossible not to relax when he was like this.

‘Is this David’s?’ She’d moved a cool bag to get a better shot of the glass doors and the view beyond them.
