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Matteo is watching her. “You know what I just answered the food question with, right?”

She holds up her hand. “I’m not hearing you. I know you’re not going to say pig, though.”

He laughs, then looks at the interviewer. “I want a big tortoise. Those things can be huge, slow, but awesome pets.”

Everyone is looking at him.

He says, “What?”

“A tortoise?” Sam asks.

He shrugs. “Why not? It’s whatever we want, right?”

Nate leans forward. “I want a llama.”

Logan starts laughing. “I want to hear the reason for this one.”

Nate answers, “They’re big. They’re cute. They’re fluffy. I think they spit. I mean, why not a llama? I bet we could house-train one.”

If you were an animal?

The whole group is sitting in a circle and Logan points to Mark, “He’s a duck.”

“What? Why am I a duck?”

“Because you’re cute, but you look lost half the time.” Logan moves to Cass. “A feral Siamese cat.”

Cass starts to protest, then shrugs. “I’ll take it.”

He moves to Heather. “You’re like a mustang. All rough, but gorgeous.”

She shrugs. “I’ll take that too.”

To Nate, “A black bear. You’re not as bad as a grizzly, but you’re curious enough to get in a lot of trouble. And you can be dangerous.” Logan winks. “If you’re pissed off enough.”

Nate doesn’t react.

To Matteo, “You’re a dolphin. Or a beluga whale. You’re Hawaiian so you’re all about the ocean and nature, and you have a good heart.”

Matteo frowns. “Isn’t there a YouTube clip where a beluga tries to eat a kid at a zoo?”

Logan shrugs. “You get hungry. It happens.”

He points to Mason. “Black panther.” He nods at him. “Enough said.”

Points to Sam. “You’re a mustang too, but one of those rare types that lives far in the mountain or something.”

She asks, “Is that good?”

Mason murmurs to her, “That’s a compliment.” He reaches for her hand and laces their fingers together.

Then Logan moves to Taylor, and he beams. “And we have a white Swan in our midsts.”

Her cheeks pink. “Logan, not everyone thinks that.”

He shrugs, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “I don’t care. That’s what I think, and I speak for the group. That’s my job.”

“What about you?” the interviewer asks.

“Me? Oh. I’m like a hot and ripped version of Yogi bear. I’m funny, but piss me off and I’ll rip your head off.” He winks at her.

High school or college?

Everyone, all at once: “High school.”

Logan explains, “You don’t know us, but we did so much bad shit in high school. College is all about maturing and thinking about how it can impact our future, but high school,” he whistles. “Hell yes to high school. I’d go back.” He looks at Sam. “Though, maybe not you.”

“Yeah. I’d say college. Life was a lot more stable then.”

Heather is nodding. “I’m saying high school too. My college wasn’t much. I graduated high school and bam, adulthood for me. High school. All the way.”

How did you become so awesome? Is there a limit to your awesomeness? How are you able to have friends that aren’t as awesome as you?

Logan puffs up his chest. “I was born into excellence. There’s no limit. I piss excellence even. And yeah, I just quoted a movie, but I don’t have to know which one it was. That’s how excellent I am.”

Mason looks at him. “They were asking about your awesomeness.”

“That too. I’m so fucking awesome, I’m changing it to excellence. #Imsoexcellentnooneforgetaboutit #theexcellentsexmachine.”

If you could be a character on any TV show, who would you be and why?

“Dean Winchester, because he’s excellently awesome.” Logan winks.

Does Nate like gingers?

Everyone laughs, and then Nate rakes a hand over his face. He leans forward, but is silent. Mason laughs and says to the interviewer, “Funny you should ask. Stay tuned.”

Nate shakes his head. “Oh man. Is that already starting?”

Logan claps him on the shoulder. “This will be fun. Just wait. Your turn in the hotseat is coming.”

Are they watching and waiting for April the Giraffe to give birth?

Logan snorts. “I am April the Giraffe. Ya’ll just don’t know it.” He winks.

Mason... what kind of things make you really laugh?

“Logan. When Sam is drunk. When Nate is drunk. If I get drunk.” He stops and thinks. “And football wipe-outs. That shit is hilarious.”

Why’d Logan choose bright yellow for his Escalade?

Another snort from Logan. “Are you kidding me? Do you not know my personality? I was channeling Logan Echolls from Veronica Mars? I am secretly a marshmallow.” He laughs. “Just kidding. It was the only one left on the lot, and I didn’t want to wait to order one. My need for speed was that day, not later.”

Guilty pleasure?
