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Is it my imagination or does Elle’s perk up when I drop that nugget of information? Does she care whether I’m single or not? I’m hoping it matters. She stands, suddenly shy again, turning away like she can’t seem to meet my eye. I grin to myself. So she does care.

“Well, she seems like the perfect companion,” she says, her voice soft. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come here. I’ve taken up enough of your time already.”

“Nonsense. It’s always nice to meet someone new,” I say, concerned that I’m about to lose her.

If she leaves now, then I might never get my shot with her. It’s not like I can ask Steve to set us up. If I asked, he would likely swing at me for my troubles. But I can see I’m about to lose her as Elle raises her eyes to meet mine again. She smiles but there’s a hint of sadness in there.

“It was nice to meet you too,” she whispers. “I have to get back. I have a project to work on…”

“Sure,” I say, though every fiber of my being wants to tell her to stay. Wants to grab her before she can leave and kiss her so hard that she forgets where she is. I don’t want this feeling to end. I’ve waited so long to feel this way. I can’t let it be over so easily. But she’s already shaking her head to herself like she’s telling herself what a fool she is for even indulging in the idea of us. And I get it. She knows this should never happen. She knows I’m too old for her, that she’s got her whole life ahead of her to find a man on her own level.

But when she looks at me one last time, our eyes lock. And when she does, I see the pain in her gaze as she tries to talk herself into leaving. She literally has to tear her gaze away, and I feel the pain as heavily as she does. Why is she doing this? I can tell she doesn’t want to. She wants to be here with me. I know it. So why won’t she stay?

“See you,” she whispers as she heads for the door.

I want to follow after her, never let her go, but I’m man enough to know that I have to let her go. I can’t make this choice for her. It has to be her own free will. As she shuts the door behind her, I let out the heaviest sigh of my life. I came so close to having it all. Now, what do I have left? Nothing at all.

Without her, life is nothing. Without her, I can’t go on. Just one moment with her is enough to change my life forever.

I feel Maisie brush against my legs, whining. She can sense my turmoil. I bend down and pet her head gently.

“I know,” I tell her. “Isn’t she perfect?”

Chapter Three


The moment the apartment door shuts behind me, I lean against it, practically gasping for air, unable to believe what just happened. I’ve got a million emotions swirling inside of me.

What in the world just happened?

One second, I was about to confront the neighbor about all the noise they were making. The next, I was in the apartment of the most handsome man I’ve ever seen, petting his dog and picturing the life we could have there together.

Am I going crazy?

I shake my head to myself, trying to shake off all the thoughts that I’m having. This is madness. I’m making up a fantasy in my own head. Of course, I’m not going to make a life with Will. He’s twice my age, for one thing. My family would never allow it, even though I want it more than anything in the entire world. And then there’s the fact that he’s way out of my league. What would a man like Will want with me, a plump girl who is basically young enough to be his daughter?

I’m so shaken up that I sink all the way to the floor with my back to the door. So this is what love feels like. A thundering heart. Sweating palms. And racing thoughts. I can’t get him out of my head. I can’t forget his scent. He smelled so damn manly that it turns me on just to think about it. And then there was his body…his bulging muscles…his broad shoulders…his sexy chest…

I look down at my body and almost laugh.

Am I crazy? In what world would he ever want me? He clearly takes care of his body. He probably looked at me and thought I was gross and lazy. I’ve always been curvy, and I always will be. Men like him don’t go for women like me.

I feel a pain in my chest and tears stream down my cheeks. It hurts to be so harsh on myself, but it’s better that I face reality now. I can daydream about him all I like, but at the end of the day, he’s always going to be out of my league, untouchable where I’m concerned. He’ll never be mine, it’s a simple fact. I’m not the first to fall in unrequited love and I won’t be the last, but the hold he has on my heart already is insane. I never knew that feelings could become this strong so quickly. I had no idea the effect one person would be able to have on me. Now, I know that he’ll always have a hold on me, and I don’t even want him to let go. I guess I’ll always hold on to those few minutes in his apartment as a pipe dream I never got to live out.
