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And I knew just the people to ask.

By the time the doctor came in, Shanti had thanked everyone as they passed over get well soon gifts and cards. There were balloons all over the place, the colors and metallic finishes brightening up the room, cards were on every surface, and she had a range of teddy bears and other things around her on the bed.

Smiling at everyone like he knew them—which he probably did when it came to the Townsends, they were that accident prone—the doctor stood to the side as they all said goodbye.

But it was Jack Townsend who shocked me the most.

“Get better soon, twinkle twinkle. You know if you need anything, all you have to do is press the star on your house phone followed by the two, right?” he said gently as he leaned over the bed and smiled down at her.

Rolling her eyes, Shanti replied, “I know that. I only just called you yesterday.”

“That you did, thank you for reminding me. Call me when you get home tomorrow, and I’ll pick you up your favorite donuts.”

Leaning into my side, Naomi whispered, “He’s been a pseudo-grandpa to her since we moved here. He’s one of the best people I know.”

I hadn’t realized they were that close, but I knew that he owned the house they lived in and had helped her out. To be honest, I hadn’t had a lot of interaction with the man, but I’d be making sure to thank him the next time I had the chance. He’d given my girls a helping hand they’d needed when they’d needed it the most, and I felt indebted to him.

Agreeing to something Shanti had asked him, he lifted his head and winked at Naomi. “That goes for you too, honey. We’re here to help.”

Moving to stand next to her husband, Colette added, “You’re going to have your hands full with looking after this one, Naomi. I’ll come over and help out with the laundry and whatever you need to be done to take some of the burden off you.”

“You don’t hav—”

Colette held her hand up, cutting Naomi off. “We don’t have to, but we’ve made it clear we want to. You’re both part of our family, so you get the Townsend treatment.”

I’d been enjoying some warm and fuzzy feelings until she said the last part. The words ‘Townsend treatment’ actually put the shitters up me with good reason. Over the years, I’d seen and heard some stories about the family no one would believe unless they witnessed them themselves, and the thought of Naomi and Shanti being part of that was terrifying.

“Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.”

Colette’s smile was warm and loving and made it clear she had a bond with both of my girls. “You’ll never find out, sweetheart. Text me what you need from the store whenever you need it, and I’ll see you the day after tomorrow to get started on whatever chores you need doing.”

Blowing a kiss to them, she tugged Jack toward the door but stopped before she went through it. “For comedic value, we’ll get Hurst to mow the lawn and do some gardening for you. If you record it, you’ll make a killing on the internet, and Miss Shanti can go to whatever college she wants.”

The only thing that could be heard as she walked toward the elevators was Jack spluttering and begging her not to let his dad loose on Naomi’s backyard.

Not that she’d listen to him.

Plus, he never said anything about the side and front yards.



One week later…

As much as I hated inconveniencing Colette, I had to admit I’d have been lost without her this last week. Sure, she was the mom I’d never had and had taken on that role from the first day I’d moved into the house, but I hadn’t realized how much I’d have to juggle with Shanti healing from the surgery.

She was right-handed, which was the one she’d broken, so even going to the bathroom took us back in time to when she was potty training. She also couldn’t pull her clothes up because her arm was still too sore to do it.

After the first day of having to trail around behind her, Carter had bought an Alexa device for her bedroom and the bathroom. Usually, the announcement she shouted at it to broadcast consisted of, “Aunt No-me, it’s tinkle time!” or “I’m pooooo-ping!” My personal favorite had to be “Shi-Shinola time!” and she wasn’t shy about saying it when we had guests round, either.

Hearing one of those announcements during the night, her voice being blasted by my own device into my ear, was definitely something. The first time it’d happened, Carter had fallen out of bed and jumped up in a karate pose like a Chucky doll was attacking us.
