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“You told him it would be you.”

“He assumed it would be me.”

Remington better not be trying to push me out. “I’m doing this.”

“I know you are. Sending you in will help them see they can’t call all the shots. We agreed to two guards each. So I will—”


Remington’s brows rose.

“You can’t be part of this. If things go south, they’re not taking you out along with me.”

“That’s a reasonable concern, so Dax will go—”

“No one should—”

“This is not a negotiation.” Remington glared at me, and I knew I’d pushed him far enough. “Dax and Ambrose will go with you. Corbin and I will be outside.”

“I don’t want you near the meeting place.”

“That’s how it’s going to be, or I’ll go in instead.”

I wanted to argue. I didn’t want any of my family members in danger. I was more than willing to go in on my own. I knew there was a damn fine chance I wouldn’t make it out of there alive. I just hoped Julian and Tony would.

“Did he say anything about having Tony?”

Remington shook his head. “We’ll find him.”

“You’d probably be glad if—”

“No, Lancelot. You love Tony. I want him returned to you safe and sound, ready to cause all kinds of trouble. I would happily go in there and face this motherfucker to get Julian and Tony back for you.”

Tears burned behind my eyes. “Thank you, but this is my mess. I’m going to clear it up and prove I can calmly negotiate when it’s required. I can’t let you keep thinking you’re better than me.”

“Asshole.” Remington pulled me into his arms and squeezed me tight.

“When’s the meet?” I asked when we finally let go of each other.

“One hour.”

“And the prisoner?”

“You’re to bring him along and return him after they meet our demands.”

“Then Valentino will have three men there on his side.”

Remington blew out a breath. “You know he’s going to bring more than that, even if they’re not visible.”

“And we’re going to do the same.”

I took a deep breath before entering the building—a warehouse at the docks in neutral territory—where Remington had arranged for us to meet Valentino. Dax and Ambrose were right behind me, and while I didn’t want them risking themselves, their presence was comforting. Dax was holding Davide, who was in cuffs. We had no intention of handing him over until our negotiation was done.

I did a countdown in my head, then pushed open the door and stepped inside. Valentino stood from where he’d been leaning against the wall on the far side of the room. He looked me up and down, a scowl on his face. “You’re not who I was expecting.”

“I have full authority to negotiate on behalf of my family.”

“Was your brother afraid to face me?”

I would not rise to his bait. “My brother is busy. He has other things to attend to.” I kept my voice even, channeling calm, trying to act just like Remington did. His ability to stay reserved in all situations had bothered the hell out of me as a kid, and much of the time, it still did. That didn’t mean I wasn’t aware of how useful it could be at times like this.

“That’s unfortunate.”

“So sorry to disappoint you, but let’s get down to business. We’ve got your cousin.” I turned to look at the son of a bitch, sure his balls still ached from my kick. “We’re prepared to hand him over and to keep the information we’ve discovered to ourselves if you agree to our terms.”

“You’re not the one who gets to make demands.”

“Did I sound demanding? I apologize. As far as I’m concerned, this is a friendly business negotiation.”

“He’s adorable, you know. Your librarian. I haven’t had nearly enough fun with him yet.”

Burning hot rage kindled in my gut, but I pushed it down. He wanted me angry. He wanted me to lose control. Remington had coached me on this. I’d never listened before, but I had to do it now.

“You will return Julian to me in perfect condition, and you and your associates will stay out of our territory and our business.” I held his gaze the entire time I spoke and was pleased with how even my voice stayed.

“Even if you share your information, I have people who will make any chatter disappear.”

“Are you sure about that? How would you feel about Valdez hearing from us?”

He schooled his features in a fraction of a second, but I saw the shock there. Remington had held back our knowledge of Valdez during their phone call.

I prayed Carlotti would accept our terms. Dropping that name was the only card I had to play.

“Would you really want to involve yourself with such a man?” Valentino asked. “He’s way above your pay grade.”

“Perhaps you’ve underestimated us.”

He laughed, and I dug my fingernails into my palms to keep from reacting. I was going to take this man down. I was going to ruin him and make him suffer. It wouldn’t be tonight. All that mattered tonight was Julian. Later, though, no matter how long it took, I would get my full revenge.
