Page 15 of Jordyn's Army

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er took you for a quitter.” He stands and walks out the door just as quickly as he entered.

“Fuck it, he’s right,” I mutter.

I grab the piece of paper with Rose’s address on it and jet out of the office. My secretary tries to stop me, but my stride is too powerful and determined. The time has come, and once and for all, I’m going after a woman I want.

I hand my driver her address before I slink into the back of the town car. I take a long pull from the bottle of scotch perched on the side. I don’t even go for fucking ice or savor the taste in my mouth. I need some liquid courage here.

The town car flies by as the driver continues to our destination. It’s a neighborhood filled with crumbling, old homes. It’s a part of the city that needs a facelift, and Rose doesn’t deserve to be living in a neighborhood like this.

“We’re here, sir.”

My driver’s voice brings my attention back to the task at hand. To get my beautiful Rose underneath me, on top of me and any other way I can as long as I sink inside of her.

“What apartment number?” I ask forgetting that detail.

“Three hundred twenty-two.”

“Thanks, Roger.” I nod to him before getting out of the backseat.

I straighten out my tie, roll up the sleeves on my white button-up, and begin taking the stairs two at a time. I find her apartment easy enough and take a moment before knocking. This shit isn’t my game. It’s always the other way around. I’ve never hunted down pussy or even grown nervous over the fact of meeting women. It’s all been a game with me the victor and owner of a very satisfied dick.

Mustering up the confidence, checking my breath, and practicing my smolder, I finally rap on the door several times. I can hear slight rustling in the apartment, but hell it could be a dog or cat for all I know. Then the thought of incredible pussy invades my thoughts.

I shake all those thoughts away and knock a little louder, this time.

“Not again. Not freaking again.” I hear Rose’s frantic voice from the inside.

A bit out of breath. Well, she’s about to be panting by the time I’m done with her tonight.

“I was trying so damn hard to do it right this time.”

What in the living hell is she doing in there?

Before I knock again, Rose flings open the door, stands before me in a very tight tank top and lacy boy shorts. She’s wielding something in her right hand like ninja sticks, flanking whatever it is all over the place. When her arm movement slows down, I make out the object. It’s a gigantic, purple dildo with nuts and even a suction cup at the base. Jesus Christ, Almighty. She doesn’t need that with the real thing standing right here.

“What?” She points the monster at me. Then brings it right up to her face. “I thought I asked you to deliver Owen; this is not Owen. Let me find the box so you can take this broken thing back.”

I smirk. She’s thinking about me while using the vibrator, or trying anyway. My dick is definitely not broken. It’s standing hard and tall and proud right now.

“Oh, my God. Owen.”

I point to her forehead. “Hey, Rose. If you wanted to get slapped by a dick, you should have shown up to dinner.”

There’s a large welt on her forehead in the shape of a cock, and it’s now that I notice her hair is damp from a shower. Or maybe, it’s sweat trying to use that fake dick in her hands. My eyes lower to see her erect nipples pressing through her shirt. Goddamn, she is something else. Her tits are big, round and fucking screaming at me to bite those nipples, to slide my cock in between those breasts and give her a ride to Owensville.

“Funny, Owen. If I weren’t embarrassed, I’d hit you with this thing. You should go. I’m not good enough for you.” She flings the rubber dick to her forehead, showing me just how it got there in the first place. “See, I’m an inexperienced woman whose life hasn’t been a bed of roses. I never went on a date in my life. I’ve been with one man, and he was a boy compared to you. I thought he knew what he was doing, but I’d dare to guess he hadn’t a clue. Not after seeing you. Not after getting myself off time and time again pretending it was you. Speaking of roses, the perfume smells divine. Thank you.”

I’m a little turned on by her mouth. Hell, I’m a lot turned on. The things I could teach that mouth of hers to do.

Goddamn, the woman of my dreams here folks.

“You’re welcome.” I inhale, it smells delicious on her. I knew it would — my Rose. Both of them.

“I was set to have dinner and planned on saying to hell with not knowing each other all that well, to hell with not dating and jump your bones after the other night, but oh no the Universe thought it would cast out karma tickets like a dirty whore that day. A customer came into my work at five minutes to closing time and wanted to test drive a car. I should have called and by the time I got around to it all I wanted was my bed.”

All I want is your bed too, lead the way baby.

“I’m sorry.” Saying the only two words, I can think of without shutting her up with my mouth fused to hers. God, I can’t wait to taste her. I bet she’s as delicious as she smells — a whole lot of spice to match that tongue.
