Page 44 of Jordyn's Army

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“I thought you might.”

We undress quietly. The only sounds are zippers drawing down and fabric hitting the floor.

I hold my breath, waiting for the moment I’m self-conscious. It doesn’t come. Instead, as his gaze lands on my naked body, I feel more confident than I ever had.

It’s the way he looks at me. There’s no judgment about the pooch in my belly or the way my thighs have absolutely no gap. The only thing I can see in his face is how much he wants me. None of the rest matters.

“You’re fucking beautiful,” he says.

I take in his tanned body. It’s all lines and ridges and hard muscle. It looks crafted, beautifully sculpted in what must have taken miles of running or hours in the weight room.

He’s beyond gorgeous. Aesthetically, he’s perfect. I could look at him forever.

“Boone …”

“I mean it. I’m not being charming. I’m not using stupid lines.” He shakes his head, trailing his gaze up and down my body. “You. Are. Beautiful.”

I take a step toward him. “Don’t tell me. Show me.”

“Fucking Hell.”

His lips find mine in one quick swoop. There’s no sweetness to it this time. It’s a bold move, one that shows me just how much I turn him on.

He presses kisses along my jawline. My head falls back with a moan. The ends of my hair tickle the small of my back as he licks and kisses his way down my throat.

“Damn it, Boone,” I say breathlessly.

He chuckles as he palms my ass. Bending before me, he rolls one of my nipples with his tongue. I press the back of his head toward me, encouraging him for more.

His hands scratch against my body, adding to the stimulation. Pressing in between my legs, he pushes them apart.

I gasp as a finger runs the length of my slit. My wetness covers my thighs. I look down at him to see him watching me.

It’s almost too much. His touch, my dry spell, plus the look of this man kneeling between my legs is enough to almost get me off just standing here.

Then he presses my clit with the pad of his thumb.

I jump. He laughs, palming one of my ass cheeks to hold me still as he works his fingers back and forth. I move my body, aiming for more contact, but he denies it to me.

“Boone,” I tell him with my eyes closed. “If you don’t do something soon—ah!”

A finger, then two, is inserted inside me as his mouth is planted against my clit. The darkness is lit up with a plethora of colors as my body screams a silent plea for release.

I tense, caught off guard by the sudden overstimulation. My hands go to his hair, tugging the soft strands, as he works me over.

Finally, I give up and release myself to him. My body sags against his hand as he presses me tighter against his mouth. His tongue slips inside me, making me shiver. His teeth nip at my swollen clit.

I yelp in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

“I’m going to come in your mouth,” I warn him.

My eyes fall back in my head as he growls against my tender flesh. Another finger is inserted into my opening and, when he sucks my bud into his mouth, I come completely undone.

He guides me to the climax of bliss and then gently back to Earth again. Once I can control my vision, I look down just as he’s looking up.

He grins.

“That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” he says, wiping my juices off his face.
