Page 96 of Jordyn's Army

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“Rachel?” I was truly lost.

He turned white, and I knew he sure as hell wasn’t talking about my ghost of a departed wife. “You mean Hannah?”

His eyes widened, like a deer in headlights. “You tell her if she keeps her end of the bargain, I’ll keep mine!”

“Ah, okayyyy….?”

“I mean it. As far as I’m concerned, this is done. But she’d better destroy that evidence like she said she would last night.”

“Evidence of…?”

He slammed his fist on the desk, immediately rubbing it like the wuss he was. “Not here!” he said in a near hiss. He glanced around the room as if it were bugged. Okay, who am I kidding? The rooms are bugged – bugged and watched constantly by OSI, or the Office of Special Investigations.

“Good doing business with ya, Boss,” I said, tossing the chair toward his desk.

As I left his office, I shook my head in disbelief. The women I loved were truly my guardian angels.

Hours later, I married Hannah in front of Elvis. There were three people in attendance, including the commander who’d brought me back to Vegas, and the organist who worked for tips.

It was one of the two happiest days of my life.

Earlier I’d asked her what she had on Danno.

“Oh that,” she’d said casually. “He’s sleeping with General Stevens’ girl.”

“The four star? That’s insane. Isn’t his wife like a million years old?”

“His daughter. She’s legal but the Stevens would murder him. We have it on video – they’d sneak in the club’s storage room all last summer. We installed cameras back there after liquor bottles started disappearing. He’s not very nice to the staff, so we accidentally forget to delete his little porn-show.”

“Wow, Danno! Who knew? That’s some messed up shit.”

“Oh it’s worse – he’s a sick puppy. This isn’t normal, if you know what I mean. I simply let that jerk-face know last night after you left that I’d hate for that to get out.”

“Jerk-face,” I repeated with a chuckle.

She smiled up at me, her hazel eyes glistening in the fake LED candlelight. “I love you so much, Jonah. I hope we do them proud.”

“We will, my darlin’ – we will.”

I walked her up the aisle that evening, and I never looked back. Our future was bright, sure, but no matter what, it would have shined for eternity with Hannah. Our love wasn’t just ours; we shared it with those we loved before.

The love symbolized by the roses brought us full circle. We would always share our love with those that we loved before. After all, they brought us together. They saved our lives that summer, and in turn, they live forever within us.

“Thank you, Levi and Rachel,” we said in our vows that night. “Thank you for leading us home.”


About Sam JD Hunt

Sam JD Hunt resides in Las Vegas with her husband and two children. When not writing, Hunt enjoys travel, community involvement, spending time with friends and family, and hiking. She spends her days writing and trying to answer the age-old question: is it too late for coffee or too early for wine?

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Finley and Sebastian, Wages of Sin Series

Tara Leigh
