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“Take me to bed.” With my heart pounding in my throat, I know this is what I want. My body craves his touch, and if tonight didn’t prove that he’s committed to Lucy and me, I don’t know what else he can do to show me.

Travis doesn’t say anything. He cups my cheek and gently presses his lips to mine before picking me up and carrying me to my room.



It takes me a moment for her words to register, but once they do, I’m pursuing her. I don’t know what changed, and honestly I don’t care. Being with her, in any way she’ll have me, is all that I’ve been asking for. When she called me earlier, inviting me to go ice-skating, I jumped at the opportunity, even though I can’t skate for shit, because it was a way to spend time with two of my favorite women.

And now I’m kissing her, and she’s kissing me back with pure, unadulterated passion. Her fingers are tugging, pulling, and grasping as I carry her to her room. She moans into my mouth, encouraging me to move faster, but I don’t want to. I want to savor this and burn each moment into my memory so that when I’m alone, I can recall how I felt when she finally gave herself to me.

The moonlight shines through her window, guiding me through her semidarkened room. Our kiss is sensual and exciting. There isn’t anything urgent about this moment right now. And for the first time in my life, I’m going to make love, and it’s going to be with this incredible woman. Our first time was lust filled and muddled by my sense of humor, because until her, I haven’t been able to take anyone seriously. Normally, I hide behind corny one-liners and half-assed jokes and treat the women I’ve been with like one of the guys. Not this time, and not with her.

I gently set her down and step away from her. She reaches for the hem of her sweater and pulls it over her head, leaving a turtleneck in place. I cock my eyebrow and smirk, only for her to remove the next piece of clothing. Saylor sits in front of me clad in her bra and jeans, looking unsure.

My sweater and shirt are now in a similar pile on the floor, next to hers. When she stands, I start taking off my belt and slowly undoing the buttons on my jeans. Her hands mimic mine while my dick is screaming that we start humping already.

That’s not what I want to do, though. That’s not the type of woman she is. I want her to know that she means everything to me. I want her to feel the desire I have for her and how it’s been building for weeks. Saylor needs to know that the night in the bar, regardless of the outcome, is what has brought us together. That one look at her and I knew she was the one I wanted to be with.

Our jeans fall to the floor—well, mine fall while she shimmies out of hers. It’s cute, watching her hips move back and forth, and while I try not to laugh, I can’t help it. I kick mine off and palm my hard-on, watching her expression as she catches what I’m doing.

“Are you sure about this?” I ask, needing to know before we go any further.

“I am, but—”

“But no one can know.”

She nods and a bit of life fades from her eyes. I step forward and lift her chin so she can look at me. “If it means that I get to be with you, I’ll keep the secret.”

“Travis.” Her voice is quiet and causes my erection to jump. She breaks my gaze and reaches out to touch me. Even with the cloth barrier preventing skin-to-skin contact, I can feel the heat from her. Saylor rubs the outline of my dick through my boxer briefs, while I stare at her hand.

“Every night since I saw you in the bar, I’ve dreamed of


“Me too,” she says as her fingers push into the waistband of my boxer briefs, pushing them down so I can kick them off. “Do you want me, Travis?”

“You have no idea,” I tell her, reaching around and grabbing the clasp that keeps her bra together and flicking it loose. I pull the lace away from her body, and her nipples harden from the cool air as my fingers trace the outline of her breast. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

My mouth is on a nipple before she has a chance to respond, and her fingers are in my hair while I massage her other breast and covertly pump my erection for some relief. Moving to her other breast, I swirl my tongue and gently bite her, causing her to gasp.

“Get on the bed, Saylor.”

She does what I demand, scrambling away from me, but not before my hands grip her panties and slide them down her legs. Saylor gets under the covers, pulling the side back for me.

Before I join her, I dig through my pants in search of a condom. I won’t bother telling her that I’ve put one in there every time I’ve come over in hopes that we’d find ourselves here. “I want to taste you, make you come on my tongue, but I think I want to feel you wrapped around me first. What do you want, Saylor?”

She pulls me to her, and her lips hover over mine. “You. I want whatever you want to give me.” My heart. That is what I want to give her, but I fear she may not give me hers in return, and even the macho bastard that I am doesn’t want to get hurt.

My fingers caress her hip, her ass, and move over her thigh. She parts her legs, welcoming me as my featherlight touch makes her skin pebble with goose bumps. I groan when I reach her core and my digits slide between her folds. Her eyes close as she widens for me. “Fuck, Saylor,” I say, latching on to her breast.

Her hand has a steady grip on my hair, and her back arches with each swipe my finger makes over her sensitive flesh. I can only take so much before I’m pulling away and sitting back on my knees to slide the condom over my erection. Saylor watches my every movement, licking her lips in the process.

“Come here,” I say, grabbing her leg and pulling it over my hip. My thumb brushes over her clit, and she bucks her hips in anticipation. I center myself, pushing in gently. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I mutter as I become fully sheathed in the woman who has been driving me crazy for the longest time.

I’m slow and methodical, making sure she feels every inch of what I’m giving her. Saylor hitches her other leg over my hip, changing the angle of penetration, and that movement causes me to move faster.

Lowering my head, I capture her lips, sliding my tongue deep into her mouth and swallowing every gasp, moan, and mewl. My hand grabs on to the headboard while her nails dig into my ass, pushing me deeper. I grip her leg for leverage, and she pulls my hair, making me want to scream.
