Page 75 of American Honey

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“Nice to meet you too, John.” I smiled back at him but I could feel JT’s gaze on me. I bet I looked terrible. My makeup was probably all melted off and my hair was up in a ponytail. I was wearing jean shorts and a t-shirt – nothing special.

Both men were wearing navy blue button down shirts and baseball hats. They must be on their lunch break from the shop. I couldn’t help but notice their hands, especially JT’s. They were still dirty from working on cars but I found that incredibly sexy. I bet he was good with his hands.

I blushed from the thought and realized I had done that an awful lot since meeting JT. “What can I get you guys?”

They ordered their drinks and burgers right away. I went back to the kitchen and put their order in when Grandma came over to me. “Who’s that handsome young man that keeps looking back here at you?”

He kept looking back here? My heart soared but I wanted to keep my cards close to my chest. “His name is JT. I met him last night.”

“He’s cute,” she winked at me before leaving to take some orders out to the dining area.

I laughed and shook my head; I had a feeling her and I were going to spend some late nights talking about him. I loved my grandma and we had a great relationship. I could always tell her anything. Even when I was living in Madison and didn’t make it to visit here very much, we talked on the phone every week; we are extremely close.

I had to wait on a few more tables before JT and his dad’s lunch was ready, but he caught my eye a few times and smiled. I was disappointed when I got held up by new customers and someone else took their order to them.

I finally brought them their check, my heart racing as I approached their table. “How was everything?” I asked, putting the slip down between them.

“Excellent as always,” JT said and leaned back in his chair.

“Very good,” his dad nodded and grabbed the check. “I’m going to go up front and pay this. Meet me outside?” He asked JT.

“Sure,” he nodded at his dad before turning his attention on me. “How are you today?”

“Good. I had a little headache when I got up, but I’m pretty good at knowing my limits,” I replied, looking down at him.

“Me too,” he said before standing up. “I guess Matt is having a few people out on his boat tonight.”

“Yeah, Brittany was here earlier and she told me.”

“Walk with me?” He asked and I turned to find Grandma. She smiled and nodded.

I turned back to JT. “Sure.”

We walked outside of the diner. “Are you going?” He asked.

I wasn’t sure how to answer this. I wanted him to ask me out so I didn’t want to seem busy but I also wanted to go if he was. “Maybe. You?”

“I think so. It’s a hot one today and being out on the water might be fun.” He stuck his hands into his pockets and smiled down at me. “You should go.”

“Brittany will probably drag me there,” I smiled up at him.


We stood there looking at each other in the middle of the parking lot, silly grins on our faces. A loud truck started up, getting his attention.

“That’s my dad. I better go. See you tonight?” He asked as he walked backwards towards the truck.

“Yes,” I nodded firmly and smiled. You couldn’t keep me away.

I watched him get into the truck and drive off. When they drove past me, he hung out of the window and smiled at me. He waved and I raised my hand to wave back.

When they turned out of the parking lot, I finally went back inside.

“I haven’t seen a smile on your face like that for a long time – if ever,” Grandma teased me. “Making plans to see him tonight?”

“I think so. Brittany mentioned going out on Matt’s boat and I guess JT is too.” I busied myself organizing things behind the counter. The lunch rush was finally over so I couldn’t escape her as easily by going to wait on customers.

“I don’t know much about him or his dad. They seem like nice people. I know they moved here a few months ago. They work hard at that shop, just the two of them.” She said, filling me in on what she little she knew.
