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His mouth twitched up on one corner. “We didn’t date until long after we were grown.”

“Mmmm. Okay, where did you go to college?”

“Columbia and Harvard Law.”

“Really? I didn’t know you went to law school.”

“That was my rebellious stage.”

“You rebelled by going to law school?”

“I thought about going into politics instead of running the family business that had been waiting for me. It felt like I didn’t have a choice. But in the end, it was in my blood. I had a knack for it, even more than my father.”

“And then, you absorbed yourself in your business and forgot to get married and have a life.”

“That’s what Gram would say. But the magazines reported my life was too wild, and that’s why I never got married. It just depends on who you believe.”

“And are you happy?”

“I’ve spent my life building an empire. Our charitable foundations have done a lot of good things. And you’re the only person I know who looks at me with pity, even though I’m a billionaire.”

“Let me ask you this. If you had to choose between being rich and having Gram in your life, which would you pick?”

He answered with a shake of his head. “You know the answer.”

“Exactly. I know you know what’s most important in life. I’m glad you have Gram. I’m just sad you never got married. But I’m just as sad for people who’ve only had bad marriages. There’s nothing like finding the love of your life, who loves you back the same way.” She sighed. “Even if you lose them after ten years.”

“I don’t disagree with you. You and Gram both—you act like I’ve never tried to find a wife. I’ve looked but—” He stopped abruptly. “Why am I discussing this with you? This topic is officially off limits. And I’d better not catch you trying to set me up with a potential wife.”

Anne’s mouth went dry. This hadn’t gone well at all. She’d have to proceed very carefully and be extremely subtle. Subtle—fat chance. She would just be sneaky instead. The wheels began to turn…

After dinner, Steven settled Anne in front of the fireplace with a cup of cocoa. “Dinner was incredible and now, hot cocoa and a fire. I’m in paradise.”

A pleased expression on his face, Steven lounged next to Anne on the buttery-soft leather couch. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I like to be appreciated, and it’s fun to make you smile.”

“So, about the job…. Mr. Gherring, I feel like I may have forced you into this.”

“Ms. Best, I’ve never been forced into a business decision by anyone in my entire life. Rest assured your influence, while formidable, does not equal compulsion.”

Anne’s spine stiffened. “Mr. Gherring, I certainly feel chastised for my presumptive assertion. Please accept my sincerest apologies. I was not suggesting your manhood had been detached. I was merely offering you an opportunity to withdraw the proposed job alteration with aplomb and promising not to take unwarranted offense.”

Gherring held up his hands. “I surrender! I bet you always win when you play Scrabble, don’t you?”

“As you said, I’m formidable.”

“So, about the job. If you went to CMA, you’d start at eighty thousand, since you don’t have a degree or job experience. I’m willing to give the assistant position a try for three months. It’s an intriguing idea. If it works, you’ll get at least a ten-thousand-dollar raise, plus bonuses. If it works really well, you could make as much as you would in CMA.”

“What if it doesn’t work?” Anne asked in a small voice.

“Then you’d be terminated.”

Anne felt a rock in her stomach. “I’m a pretty confident person, but I’m not that confident. I don’t think I want to take the risk—”

“Seriously? You think I would fire you? I was only kidding. If it doesn’t work, we’ll renegotiate.” He chuckled at the relief on her face. “How did you ever live this long when you’re this gullible?”

“I’m not really sure.”

“But there is one caveat.” His expression grew serious. “This deal we’ve made with Bern… You and Jared will need to work with those two companies, just as if you’re in the CMA department with him. I have yet to think what title to give you, but we’ll come up with something.”
